Chapter One

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"Dinner should be done in about thirty minutes," Callan alleged as he began walking towards my door. He's beautiful brown eyes still holding mine. I nodded my head and continued staring at him. Soon a smile etched his face and he stepped out of my bedroom.

When the door was closed behind him I squealed. He was gorgeous, funny, and well just adorable. Those four years of separation have sure done him well. I fell back onto my bed and yelped; this mattress was heavenly! How the hell am I supposed to get out of bed in the morning? I laughed at myself, scratch that; how am I supposed to get out of bed in thirty more minutes?

I sat up and propped my head onto my hands. To my right was my dresser and a mirror. I looked at myself and giggled; I looked horrible. My hair was a pig sty. Golden strands were in my face and a huge rat's nest was right on top of my head. My eyes were blood shot from staying up all night and I was still in my fluffy pink PJ's; great first impression Leah.

I couldn't see Jaleb again looking like this! I jumped out of my bed and took a seat on the high carpet. Opening up my suitcase I decided to wear my pink off the shoulder sweater and dark jeans. It was my favorite outfit; not too lazy and definitely not too fancy. I didn't wear lots of makeup so when I walked over to my mirror all I did was reapply some mascara. Once I was done I stood back and tilted my head to the left. Not too shabby LeLe.

Suddenly a loud thump echoed against my door. I grinned; maybe it was Jaleb coming to say hi. I hurried across my room to the door.

"Leah." I was a girls voice, "It's me... Jane."

I immediately swung it open. Jane Olson; Callan and Jaleb's younger sister. She looked about thirteen now, and seemed to be so much like Jay used to. Her long black hair went to her shoulder and her big brown eyes beamed up at me.

"LeLe!" she exclaimed pulling me into a hug. "You're so pretty!"

I laughed hard and tickled her sides. I haven't seen her for four years and the first thing she says is that? The thought of it made me laugh harder. This kid was always hilarious.

"I'm pretty?" I joked. "Look at you! You got old!" Jane blushed at my comment and walked into my room.

She sat down on my bed and continued to stare me down. Dang that girl looked so much like her brothers. She had Callan's warm brown eyes and Jay's hair color. What a great combination!

"I decorated your room," she grinned; breaking the silence. Now that made more sense. There was no way Callan could pull it off. I imagine his room to still be decorated around star wars. The thought out it made me snicker. Those Darth Vader sheets were priceless.

"Well," I said, picking up my clothes from the floor. "Thank you, I love it."

Yet again Jane beamed and I still couldn't get over how old she has gotten. When I left she was nine. Nine! Now she was thirteen, the same age I was when I left. Out of the blue there was a loud crash a level below. I turned to run down the stairs but Jane grabbed my hand. Her brown eyes were no longer warm and welcoming; now they were replaced with warning. I let her pull me away from the door and that's when the yelling started.

"Really Jay," a voice thundered from downstairs. "This is the third day this week."

My eyebrows furrowed and Jane's expression deepened. By the look of her expression it was obvious this argument had happened before. Jaleb was in deep shit.

"You will not live under my roof if you continue to come home wasted every day!"

He came home wasted? I felt the air in my lungs get caught. No way, no way would my Jay ever act like that. He was sweet and kind, not rude and inconsiderate. I sat down next to Jane on my bed and the both of us continued to eavesdrop.

"Oh please," I heard a deep bitter voice, "like you really care anyways."

Jane laid back into my bed and rolled over to her side. She was embarrassed; embarrassed by her brother. Embarrassed by the fight that was taking place downstairs. Maybe this is what Callan and her were trying to keep me away from. The reason they didn't want me to see him. They didn't want me to be disappointed. My heart pounded; little too late for that now. I tuned out the screaming and lay back in bed.

Did I believe it? No, of course not. Jay wasn't like that. Could four years really make that much of an impact on his personality? I huffed; did I even need to ask? He could be a whole new person for all I knew.

"Leah! Jane!" Dave hollered. "Dinners ready!"

I got out of bed; this is going to be one hell of an interesting evening.



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