Chapter Four

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I can't believe I was even smiling. Jay wasn't who he used to be. In fact he was worst then anything I could have imagined. He'd gone to the dark side. I mentally laughed at myself. He went to the dark side alright. Damn, he could take me to the dark side any day.


I quickly pulled the blankets up to my face and met Callan's eyes. What's up with these boys and coming into my room at bad times? I mean I'm in an oversized t-shirt and my undies. Thank the lord for covers.

"What's up Callan?"

He slowly traveled closer to my bed and sat down right where Jaleb had sat before him. I self-consciously pulled the blankets even higher than they were before. Callan grinned at my awkwardness and I untensed. There's just something about him that makes you feel at home. Maybe it's his everlasting boyish grin, or his warm brown eyes. Whatever it is Jaleb sure didn't acquire it. Jaleb made me nervous. He made me uneasy; I didn't know how to act around him.

"Uh so what do you say?" Callan asked his eyes hopeful. Immediately I felt my expression drop. Less thinking about Jaleb would probably do me good.

"What do I say to what?"

Callan sighed and anxiously rubbed his neck, "As I said a second ago. Ryan, Levy, Chase, and I are all going to the fair around five, and I was wondering if you'd want to go with me. Well not with me- I mean with the group. Kind of with me, but you don't have to." His eyes were hopeful and embarrassment was definitely adorable on him. His cheeks were flushed and I felt bad for making him repeat all of that.

Realizing that I hadn't answered yet I crawled out of the blankets leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"I would love to go to the fair with you."

He beamed and wrapped his arms tightly around me. When he pulled away his grin spread and I sat back down. His eyes traveled down my body and I followed his gaze to- shit, all I'm wearing is underwear! Color spread onto my cheeks and I savagely scrabbled to cover myself. This is embarrassing. This is probably the worst thing that could happen in this situation. Well I guess I could have just been wearing just a bra. Nope, nope let's not think of that.

Callan fumbled with something to say, so instead of making it weirder he stood up and started towards the door. His cheeky smile was hilarious. If I hadn't been completely humiliated I would have joked about it with him. Awe, he looked like little Callan. When we were growing up Callan looked like an angel. His platinum blonde hair had little ringlets and his cheeks were always crimson. Needless to say; he was a gorgeous kid.

"Oh," he ran his hand through his hair. "If the guys say anything about you and me you know- being I don't know... together? Just ignore them."

Before I could even react he was out the door. Did he tell his friends we were together? No, Callan and I were friends; nothing more and nothing less. I shook off the anxious feeling and glanced at my alarm clock. 3:30 probably about time to start getting ready.

Once my feet hit the cold wood floor I yelped. Nah, I'm way too lazy this morning to get ready. Instead I put on some fluffy smurf PJ's, combed my hair, and started down stairs to get breakfast. Well 3:30 breakfast... or lunch. I really need to get up earlier.

The house was cold. No the house was like a freaking freezer. My teeth chattered. How the hell is Lake Powel this cold? I opened the pantry and the broom crashed onto the floor causing probably the loudest ruckus ever. I bent over and grabbed it, but when I lifted up my head hit the shelf above.

"Fudging pudding," I groaned, see this is what a true klutz looks like. I grabbed onto my head and turned back to the island; my pinky toe hit the side of the wood and I yelped. Are you kidding me? I bounced around on my left foot and took a seat on the stool. I'm officially going to die of klutz-retard-phobia.

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