Chapter Six

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Alright Leah, breathe in and out and in and out again. Don't make eye contact, stay behind Jaleb, don't show any emotion; they can sense fear.

The blond teen eyed me up and down and smirked. That smirk, it filled me with despair. How one simple expression could do that I have no idea.

Jay's body tensed even more and he wrapped his arm around my waist. His hands sent electricity throughout my body and I shuttered. He was protective and by the look in his gorgeous eyes damn was he possessive.

"Come on TJ," Jaleb smiled bitterly. "It's been a long day. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow."

The Blondie- or TJ's lips went into a thin line. He walked closer towards us and tsked Jaleb's attitude. I recoiled farther behind Jay. TJ had an overpowering demeanor. It was pretty obvious who called the shots.

"Don't forget who you're talking to," TJ ordered his smile stretching.

Jaleb clenched his teeth and his nose twitched. He looked ticked and it terrified me. I have only just met Jaleb for well a second time. It felt weird seeing him so stiff and intense. I shifted from foot to foot and glanced back to the park bench I should have stayed on. Fuck, I was screwed. Why the hell was Jaleb so stupid?! Seriously, drug dealing? What the hell was he thinking?!

TJ chuckled scandalously, "Hey, were all friends here. Why don't you introduce us to this beauty?"

Jay's arm traveled from my waist up to my shoulders. His thumb began to calmingly circle around my skin. The electricity increased and I shivered.

"This is my friend Leah," Jaleb hissed. "Leah Taylor."

TJ's smile vanished from his face and he took a step back. He looked shocked and once more he glanced over me. That damn pervert. Jaleb said my last name like it was a weapon. Taylor slid off his tongue like poison and the group took a few steps back. TJ was the first to react.

He licked his lips, "Well nice to meet you Leah. I'm sure we'll meet again."

With a flick of his hand Jaleb grabbed onto my wrist and squeezed crudely. He walked away from the group and dragged me along with him. His grip was like hang cuffs. Once we were out of ear shot I felt a sigh of relief flow out of my lips.

What the hell did that perve mean when he said we'd meet again? No way in hell was I going to make that same mistake again. I yanked my arm away from Jay and glared at him. Then before I knew it rage took over again and I was punching his chest. Jay grabbed my arms and pulled me over his shoulder like I was a sack of flour.

I was upside down throwing a temper tantrum kicking and screaming. You can imagine the looks on people's faces.

"Put me down!" I hit his back ferociously. "Put me down you Mother Fuc-"

Suddenly everything turned back right side up.

"Would you shut the fuck up?"

The look on his face shut me up immediately. His luscious lips were pursed and his cheeks sucked in. Everything about him was flexed from his eye brows to his muscles. The anger disappeared and I folded my arms across my chest stubbornly.

"Good job Sweetheart," he patted my head.

The anger came up again and I wanted to beat the shit out of him. I just got undressed by the eyes of some druggies and he's going to treat me like a five year old?! Why the hell was he taking everything so calmly? I wanted some kind of emotion from him; anything.

I clenched my teeth and slapped him across the face. It didn't take long for the red mark to surface and Jay held his hand over the new wound.

"Did that make little Ms. Anger Management feel better?"

I had to hold back the urge to slap him for the second time. I breathed in and out and looked around. We were in the park parking lot standing right next to a light blue dodge challenger. The car was gorgeous and for a second I almost forgot about the d-wad standing to my side.

"Get in," he ordered.

He must be stupider than I thought if he expected me to go anywhere with him.

"Dammit Leah, get in the damn car before I put you in it!"

Suddenly getting into the car didn't seem like that awful of an idea. I hopped in and awkwardly sat in the passenger seat.

He started the car and speedily headed out of the lot. I turned around and glanced in the back seat. Have you ever noticed how the back seat of a person's car can tell you so much about the individual? Well Jaleb had bras, bras, bras, bras, and even more bras, and then when you thought there couldn't be anymore. Oops yet again- another bra.

I sat back into my seat disgusted. I wanted to go home back to California where I belonged. Back to Carly, the drill team, my friends, my home, my life. This life had only just started and already I was caught up in the wrong group. Jaleb, the damn egotistical arrogant sexy god, was a drug dealer; a fluffing drug dealer.

"What are you thinking about?" his voice was so low and quiet that for a moment I thought it had been my own thoughts.

I scoffed, "just how much of a selfish Jackass you are."

Jaleb smiled playfully, "oh you love it."


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