Chapter 10-Rose Number 6

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Ryan's Point of view

I’m going to scream, so far, nothing as come up. I’ve been going around and around in circles. I went through all my notes and nothing! No clue on who it could be. Hell, I’ve even called Efrain so he could tell me who sent him away. Yeah I’m that desperate, but he was as useless as always.

“Um, I don’t know some big shot. He didn’t meet me he sent all his lawyers and they made me sign a paper stating I wasn’t to bother you at all. They paid me 50 thousand dollars to leave you alone and leave the states. So, don’t call anymore, got it?” He said and hung up. See? Useless son of the bitch.

So I spend the rest of my weekend fantasizing about when I meet my stalker. I was actually curious on who it could be.

Efrain is out of the question and I don’t think Gary would go through all that trouble. And even if he did he wouldn't do it for me. I’m too old for him and to top it off I’m his teacher. I sighed. God, I hate feeling so lost.

Monday morning. I didn’t sleep at all and this freaking line in Starbucks is freaking long. I didn’t notice who was in front of me until he started talking on his cell.

“Yes sis, I got it he is cute, isn’t he? …I know when I saw him I couldn’t believe it. He stole my heart…yes I already love him…no it wont hurt me…well, my dear sister, you see, I’m planning to spend the rest of my life with him. So no, I won’t miss college since I’m taking over father's business…well I better let you go, its almost my turn in the line love ya’ sis, bye,” Gary said before he hang up his cell and stuck it in his pocket.

I thought I saw a ring but I wasn’t sure since when he was putting it in his pocket he tilted his head to the side and spotted me behind him. He froze for a millisecond then he grinned at me, leaving his hand in his pocket.

“Good morning Mr. Copeland, how are you this morning?” Wow more than one word sentence. He's in a good mood but of course he is he’s in love. My chest hurt at that. He said the guy stole his heart so does that mean he's gay? Man, seriously can I ever catch a break?

He said his goodbye to me with the same hand he was holding his coffee with. He gestured bye with his pointer finger while the rest hold the cup leaving his other hand in his pocket.

After I got my coffee, I went straight to school. Once there, I didn’t bother to stop by the office or teachers lounge.

Once in the comfort of my classroom I relaxed a bit. I even relaxed more after seeing my red rose and my note. Lets see what it says. It’s sad that my stalker is the highlight of my day.

Monday—number Six ----%---@

Well rose of the day,

I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was okay. Here are some chocolates to brighten your day. When you go home after school you’ll get a big surprise I hope you like it. I overheard you the other day saying how you really wanted one so I wanted to spoil you.

I scrunched up my nose, what did he mean by overhearing me? What the hell did I really want? Ugh I’m beginning to get frustrated. Think Ryan, think! But as much I wanted to remember I didn’t know what I wanted. Could it be possible that I can’t remember what I said?

I guess I’ll find out when I get home.

Afterschool, I went straight home, dreading getting there. I was nervous what if it was a dead rat? Oh my god worst, Efrain's head on a plate.

Okay Ryan your imagination is getting the best of you. I rolled my eyes; it’s probably just a book or a movie.

I open my door and walked in. Right away a little Labrador Retriever puppy jumped on

Me. Awe, he got me a puppy and I love him already, I think I’ll name him REGGIE.

I love my surprise my stalker was right.


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