Chapter 13 -Rose Number 9

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Gary's Point of View

Damn, my family sucks. When they ask me if I were seeing someone we were having dinner and I was drinking some iced tea. Yes, even the rich and popular have family dinner and family nights. We made it a point to do this. See, my parents are very successful. My father has his recording studio and he discovers a lot of good and new talents.

He built his company by himself when he was my age. My mom owns her restaurant that at the moment is on top with 5 stars thanks to the food critics. My sister is currently helping my dad with the company as his right hand but she is going to go to college once I graduate from high school. She wants to be a social worker to help out kids for now she's not sure yet.

I was remembering when I told them about Mr. Copeland, and how I was gay. Instead of burning me at the stake they offered to help me.

Which brings me to here. I’m standing in Mr. Copeland's living room wearing a stupid grin on my face. I went to the kitchen and put his meatloaf on the counter next to the container with dessert. The dessert consisted of banana cake my mom made. My mom must really understand how special Mr. Copeland is to me because she only makes her special meatloaf and banana cake for the people she loves and cares for, which is my father, sister and me. It is so special to the extent that it’s not even served in the restaurant.

It warms my heart knowing that my parents are going accept Ryan. Okay, on to school, I had my sister put his red rose and note of the day this time.

Ryan’s Point of View

I was making my way to my classroom and that’s when I saw a woman, she was about my age with brown wavy hair and big beautiful hazel eyes and a nice body but I wasn't attracted to any of it. Immediately I caught up to her. She didn't realize I saw her coming out of my room. Once I held her gently by the arm, I pulled her back to my classroom with me.

She looked like she just saw a ghost. I chuckled at that.

“This has to stop. First thing you must know is that I’m gay. Thanks for, stalking me? But I have to give you back your presents,” I said. She studied me for a bit then blinked a couple of times.

“I’m not stalking you,” she said. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Really? Then what were you doing in my classroom?” I asked her, challenging her to prove me wrong.

She narrowed her eyes a bit then sighed.

“My brother forgot his phone and my father asked me to bring it to him. I knew this is one of his classes and I've been to all of his other damn classes but I can't find him anywhere and I can't just leave it here. It’s an expensive phone and he's got work info on it since he's starting to handle some of the family business,”she explained all this to me and fast too.

“I see. And who's you're brother?” I asked her, giving up on her being my stalker she didn't seem the type to play it this way. I have a feeling whatever or whoever she wants she gets.

Just by looking at her in her purple silk short dress and black pumps with not so much make up.

“Gary Johnson is my brother,” she said and my blood boiled with that info. So this is the bitch that made Efrain walked out on me? This is the bitch that used him and dumped him? Why the hell am I getting pissed? I should be thankful but its nothing personal its just the principal and pride of a man and then I realize I’m frustrated not pissed. I want to know who my fucking stalker is. “Are you ok?”She asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks for asking. So if you want to leave your brother’s phone here I’ll make sure he gets it,” I offered. She eyed me suspiciously. “I’m not going to snoop around in his phone, I promise,” I told her as I held my hands up to defend myself. She reluctantly agreed and left. Well after that bad episode was done I turned to look at my desk and as expected my rose and my note were on it.

Thursday—Number Nine ----%---@

Rose of the day,

So my family asked me, “Hey are you seeing anyone?” I told them my plan to make you fall in love with me. They thought I was crazy but my mother said she couldn't wait to meet you. My family knows the guy I’m in love with (you) is a teacher at the local high

School and that you are a male. Well duh, since I’m their son. So my mom being my mom made you her favorite meal, meatloaf, and for dessert banana cake.

(P.S that’s my favorite dessert) so enjoy your dinner at home, compliments of the woman who gave birth to the one that loves you, ha ha! You thought I was going to give up names huh? Patience love, you'll know in time.

I got all giddy. I’m eating special meatloaf that HIS mom made for me and HE called me LOVE and best of all. My stalker is a HE!!!!!!!!...I’m definitely happy, excited, and in love.

Now I’m not depressed anymore.     

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