Chapter 14-Rose Number 10

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Gary’s Point of View

“What the fuck, Ash? He caught you?”

“No, not really. At first he thought he caught his ‘stalker’ but I explained about your cell,” she said while inspecting her nails without a care in the world. I rolled my eyes. She did save us.

“Come on bro, just send him to that B&B. I can assure you he'll like it,” She adviced. She got up and pecked me on the cheek. I love my sister, don’t get me wrong but just how the fuck does she get out of sticky situations like the one earlier today.


When Mr. Copeland ask me to stay after class was over, I wondered why he wanted me to stay then he said, “I bumped into your sister this morning in my class.” I held my breath and let him continue. “You shouldn't be so careless Gary,” he said while staring at me. I widened my eyes in surprise. Oh fuck I’m a goner! He found out all this time it was me. He’ll probably send me to jail for stalking him. I groaned internally.

I don’t know how I hid all my emotions from him but I did. Then he smiled “Don’t worry it happens to all of us. Your big sister came to the rescue and dropped off your cell. I guess your meetings are going to be saved after all huh?” Oh my god I think I just shit myself! Stupid Ashley and her carelessness.


“You’re still thinking about your hunk? I have to say bro, he is hot!” She said while winking at me. My stomach twisted at her words she wouldn't, would she? She noticed my facial expression and laughed. “Relax, man, I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, he right away said he was gay when he thought I was his stalker. I have to say he did look disappointed that I was a girl,” she said scrunching her nose at her own words.

“Anyways, I have to go meet daddy at work. Love you, bro and send him there it should help him with the stress,” he said and left.

Yeah, I’m going to send him to the B&B my parents go to every once in a while.

I’m going to miss him a lot but it will help him with his stress that I’m suspecting I’m putting him through.


Ryan's Point of View

Well back to square one. Not to worry today is Friday and the 11th day.

I smiled, but at the same time I was starting to hate the weekends. On weekends I do nothing but sit around and try to figure out who my stalker is. For a while I really thought it was Gary but I smashed that thought into little pieces. Gary seemed different lately. He’s more quiet, sophisticated, and I guess since he has already taken some of his responsibilities he has to. I mean, he still jokes with his friends, he still plays football, and his grades are still great, but he looks more grown up. I’m regretting not meeting him that day a couple of months ago.

I made my way into my classroom, only to find Taylor, Steven and Gary talking very softly. They didn’t know I was there since their backs were toward the door. I heard Taylor say. “You have to tell him,” towards Gary.

“Yeah, dude, I mean, its almost graduation and you’re not going to college,” Steven agreed with Taylor, shocking. Note my sarcasm. Yeah I just became sarcastic too.

“I know but what if he doesn't wa—” he said and stiffened then turned slowly to face me.

What was he going to say? Why did he stop? And how the hell did he know I was behind them? I didn’t make a noise. Who were they talking about? Man I sound desperate.

“Mr. Copeland, sir, sorry to be in here but the door was open and we need a room to talk in private,” Steven said while the other two looked at me. Taylor had a weird expression on his face and Gary had this intense look. He wasn't even blinking.

“Its okay. You said my door was open?” I asked them but I just stared at Gary. He broke eye contact to look towards my desk where my red rose and my note were laying on.

He turned back to me and nodded. “Yeah, your door was wide open. We thought you were already here,” Gary said.

“So, a secret admire?”Taylor asked. I looked at all the three boys and nodded.

“Yeah,” I told them.

“Well, have a nice day Mr. Copeland, I have to go have a meeting with my father and sister. I just came to tell Taylor and Steven that I was going to be busy,” he said.

I frowned. He's not going be here at all? I didn’t like that. I guess what I overheard was him? What? He loves someone? Is it me? He didn’t like the rose on my desk. Was he jealous? Do I want him to be? I know I said I wasn't going to fall for anyone, that I was going to fuck them and leave them before they leave me. But it’s not in my nature, and now I love my stalker, and I feel something for Gary, but what? I smack both of my hands on my face covering my face, and groan into them.

I went to read my note. I kept picturing Gary's face and flinched but I still read it.

Friday—Number Ten ----%---@

Rose of the day,

Oh hell, we’re in the double digits now. So today being Friday and all, I want you to go home and pack a suitcase with 3 days worth of clothes, I booked you to a bed & breakfast for the whole weekend. There you can relax, shop, and go to spas. Once you get home

There’s a GPS on your bed. Don’t bother looking for clues. The GPS is brand new. You can keep it too. There will be directions on how to get to the B&B. It’s booked under your name but everything is already paid for. I'll miss you.

Huh a whole weekend at a B&B. Not bad. Not bad at all. And I do need it. Am I going? Fuck yeah!

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