Chapter 17 -Rose Number 12.

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Gary's Point of View

I couldn't read Ryan's facial expression. Did he not like, yesterday’s surprise? Maybe I went overboard, but he smiled at me. A genuine honest smile that made my chest swell with pride. I felt like he was happy because of ME. Not the secret admirer, it’s like he was really looking at me.

Can it be possible, that he actually feels something for me? God I really hope so.

Today is really busy for me. One, I have to graduate, so the football team and I went around the whole school and they all agreed to let me go first. I know we have to go by the first letter of you're last name, but the principal and everyone else agreed and as soon as I get my diploma my family's limousine will be waiting for me so that I can go get ready for the biggest thing in my life. Getting the man I have grown to love.

At graduation, the principal called my name first, Mr. Copeland looked surprised. I went and got my diploma and my family took pictures with me. Taylor, Steven and I, then my whole family was out the door. Mr. Copeland kept looking at me. He smiled grimly like he didn’t want me to leave. He slumped on his chair when I got into the limo. He thought I wasn't watching him. He rubbed his face in frustration he seemed like he wanted to cry. Did he want to say bye to me? Or was he sad, that he wasn't going to see me anymore? Not if I have anything to do with it.

Just wait Ryan Copeland by the end of you'll be my boyfriend.

By now Taylor is giving the last rose and note to him. I sighed, closing my eyes.

“Did you see lover boy, eyeballing you? How dare him cheat on you with you?” Ash stated. I rolled my eyes. Seriously, how are we related?

“So, ready for today?” My dad asked me. I shrugged.

“What if he turns me down?” I whispered, not opening my eyes.

“Then at least you tried, sweetie,” my mom answered me.

“It's going to hurt like a bitch,” I said.

“That's because you are one,” my sister said with a snort. I opened my eyes to look at her, was she joking? I punch her on her arm, and she laughed. So did I

Ryan's Point of View

I kept looking at the spot Gary had been sitting. How could they pass him first? I thought it was a joke when I heard about it earlier.

Well fuck me. I already gave my speech to thank everyone for voting me teacher of the year. As I made my way to my classroom to pick up my stuff someone yelled for me.

“Mr. Copeland! Yo! Wait up!” I think it was Taylor.

“Really? Yo! Wait up? Were are we Junior High?” Ask someone else. Yup definitely Steven and Taylor. I waited for them.

“So someone, gave me these to deliver to you,” Said Taylor, and Steven agreed.

It was my last rose and note. I have forgotten about it.

“Someone who?”I asked them.

“Well this dude gave it to me and someone else gave it to him and so and so on,” Taylor said sounding confused.

“Okay. Who was the first person who my secret admirer gave this to?” I asked him. Maybe I could talk to that person so he can lead me to my stalker.

“Oh well that was Gary,” Taylor said. Well, there goes my hope.

“Too bad he already left,” I stated.

“Oh well him and his family are having a big cook out for a the teachers and students. That’s why he had to leave early. They had to go settle everything at the park,” Steven said.

Without thinking I stuck the note and rose in the inside pocket of my suit jacket.

Gary’s Point of View

I receive a text from Taylor telling me Mr. Copeland is on the way to ask me where I got the note. I grinned and looked around. Everyone was starting to get here. I was already dressed in my tux and had a white rose in my hand as I glance at the park's parking lot. I couldn't help but grin widely as I noticed Mr. Copeland’s arrival. He looked nervous.

And I couldn't help but to say, “you and I both bud”

“Hey, Gary, sorry for crashing your party. I just need to ask you something very quick,” he said looking nervous.

“Nonsense, Mr. Copeland, you were invited too,” I said. He shook his head no and smile sadly at me. “Um, yeah, you were invited,” I insisted.

“No I wasn't but it doesn't matter.” He sounded hurt. I sighed. He is a little dense isn't he?

“Ryan, look at you're note please,” I told him. He looked confuse for a bit, then realization hit him.

Tuesday—Number Twelve ----%---@

Graduation is today. You’re going to be super busy with all your students huh? I hope you survive. I heard students were vicious at that age. So as promised I’ll be showing myself to you today but after your speech and graduation. You are to go to the city park. I’ll be the one holding the white rose. It’s ok if you turn me down but at least meet me.

His eyes started to get more wide open as he read his note. “He’s here,” he whisper and looked around to see if he can find him. I sighed. Like I said, dense.

I pull out the white rose from behind me and he gasped. “It’s you”



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