Chapter 8

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A/N: Before anything else, AGAIN, I'm sorry for the short chapter 7. I needed that for some sort of transition to this story, and I had no idea whatelse to add, so...yeah. Anways, here's Chapter 8.

Like said, today is definitely NOT my day! 

The moment the bell rang, I hurriedly went out of the room and ran across the hallway and out the doors of the school. 

And in case you were wondering, yes, I packed up my stuff a few minutes before the bell officially rang, so I can get out fast. 

You have NO idea how much I wanted to just go home and be with my bed again.

I got home soon, and as I opened my door and planned things for me and my bed for the rest of the day, my mom peeks out of the kitchen and sees me.

"Honey, can you come here for a sec please?" she asked. I groaned but followed my mom's order and went over to the kitchen, where the woman was busy cooking dinner and talking to someone over the phone.

"Yes... yes of course. She will be there shortly" my mom said before hanging up and putting the phone down the counter top.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked

"Oh yes. Gabby" my mother said as she turned around to face me and leaned on the counter top "I have this friend who needs a last minute babysitter to take care of their 7-year old daughter" OH god no! 

But before I could butt in and decline

"And I told her that you could babysit tonight" mom added

"Mom, I can't. I have plans for tonight" I told her

"Oh? And what's that?" my mom asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have a date tonight" I answered

"With who?" she asked. 

I looked down and debated with myself whether to tell her or not.

"My bed.." I mumbled

"Uh-huh.." she answered after a few seconds

"Plus I have to do homework, mom" I added

"You can do that now, and by 5:30, you can be there" Geez, I'm not this bossy, am I? 

We had a staring contest for less than a minute before I finally surrendered to my mom and her threatening stare.

"Okay. Fine, fine. I'm babysitting later" I said, holding my hands up as I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed my backpack from the sofa, and hurried up to my room to do homework.

Honestly speaking, I didn't have homework for today. I just gave that excuse a shot, and thought that an excuse involving school might work with my mom. 

BOY, was I wrong! 

By 5pm, my mom rushed up to my room and told me to get ready and head off to her friend's house. 

I grabbed my phone and my favorite black jacket and headed downstairs, where Nick was lying down the couch.

"OW! What was that for?" he groaned after I hit his hand, making him sit straight up, and I stood there laughing at how sensitive he is. 

Trust me, even a dead ant can make my brother cry. I mean, I know girls love guys who are sensitive, but my brother's not one of those guys. 

It's like, there are these guys who are sensitive and lovable. 

Then there's my brother. 

Sensitive? Yeah, sure. Lovable? HAHAHAH yeah. Right.

"You are such a girl!" I told him in between laughs "Anyways, later" I added.

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