He changed.

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Jacob: Are you embarrassed?
Malia: yah a little
Jacob: sorry...i didn't resist
Malia: its okay don't be sorry
Jacob: do you think I'm ugly ?
Malia: umm...no no you're not
Jacob: that means i am
Malia: okay you're just a nerd and I don't like nerd you know...sorry
Jacob: I know don't worry, I just wanted to be sure
Malia: don't change for what I told you okay ?
Jacob: I can't promise that

And we fall asleep.
--next morning--
Jacob has his arms around me. I feel very uncomfortable because because...its weird !!!! I gently remove his arms, get ready and go downstairs.
Then I cook for us 3. I hear Lydia go down the steps.

Lydia: morning 🤚
Malia: hey morning !

She comes closer to me.

Lydia: I want to know everything ! 😏
Malia: nothing to say
Lydia: oh c'mon !
Malia: it's true !! Nothing's happened !
Lydia: oooh bad...
Malia: no we just talk as friend !
Lydia: okay boring...

Jacob rejoin us, eat quickly a piece of bread and run out of the house without saying a word.

Lydia: what's wrong with him wtf ?
Malia: idk 😐
Lydia: Malia...-
Malia: -we have school, lets go

We walk to school and I don't talk. Im just so mad at him ! He left me...wait why am I sad ? I didn't like him anyway ! Why am I missing him ?
Uuugh so many questions. I was stopped in my reflection by a gathering in front of our school. We come closer and...

Lydia: wtf Jacob ?!
Jacob: hey !
Malia: you change

He changes, he changes, these words I didn't want to have to tell him...
He had changed his clothes, normal clothes, of normal boys, changed his hair, he was so hot.

Jacob: Malia ?
Malia: oh yah what ?
Jacob: are you ok ?
Malia: no
Jacob: what ? Why ?
Malia: I told you "don't change" remember ?!
Jacob: yah but I-
Malia: -stop talking to me

I leave and go to my class bc i was so mad at him AGAIN, I told him to not change ! Why did he do it ?! I said I don't like nerd and he was a nerd...okay I get it now...it's my fault...
There was a boy whom I hadn't even seen, at the back of the class and he start to talk to me.

Boy: you look so mad and sad at the same time
Malia: yah bc i am
Boy: what's happened ?
Malia: what's your name ?
Boy: Weston (not famous)
Malia: Me its Malia
Weston: nice name
Malia: thanks
Weston: so can you explain me now ?
Malia: not now maybe later
Weston: like after school ? I will walk you home
Malia: yah okay (idk why but I trust him.)

--skip school...bc its boring--

I wait Weston. I didn't see Jacob and Lydia today. Weston saw me and run to me.

Weston: hey Malia !
Malia: hey Wes..
Weston: oooh tell me
Malia: lets go

We walks and I tell him everything about Jacob and also a little bit about my life. Idk i feel I can trust him even if I don't really know him. We arrive at my home.

Malia: I live here so by-
Weston: -what seriously ?
Malia: yah why ???
Weston: I live just here (and he show me with his finger the house just opposite of mine.)
Malia: I never saw you wtf ?
Weston: in fact I'm new, I just moved here yesterday
Malia: oh okay
Weston: I forgot to say one thing about me
Malia: what ? You're a dealer 😂
Weston: I'm the duck leader 😛
Malia: Bahahaha you're so stupid 🤣

After a few days, Weston became my best friend. He makes me laugh every time and he is like a brother for me. I didn't see Jacob since what happened but I want to see him...
Lydia tried to reconcile us but it never worked bc I didn't want to idk why.
End of this chapter ! 🐥

I hated this boyWhere stories live. Discover now