The Crushers

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I awoke groggily to two people talking. I kept my eyes closed, I hoped it was my parents, and the nightmare was over. One of the voices was female, but is wasn't my mother. It was Beverly Crusher. I almost groaned. She was talking with Wesley Crusher.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" asked Wesley.

"I don't know honey. She fine physically, I don't know what happened to her emotionally. Maybe she can see Deanna again," said Beverly. I felt her eyes on me, so I steadied my breathing and tried not to swallow.

"Maybe I could show her around the ship," said Wesley. I almost smiled, but I felt his eyes on me too.

"I've never seen you this interested in a foreigner before," said Beverly.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Don't be. It's cute."   

I pretended to open my eyes slowly. Maybe I was still in the dream. No, I screamed as I saw the normal Enterprise quarters. Wesley jumped in his seat at their breakfast table. Beverly was startled too.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't know where I was for a second."

"It's fine darling. Would you like to have breakfast with us?" asked Beverly.

"I don't really have a choice," I snapped back sleepily. "Sorry, I never wanted this."

"To be here?" asked Wesley. "Would you like your own quarters?"

"No, I'm fine. I just, I came from the twenty-first century, and now I don't know how to get back. Honestly, I love Star Trek, but not this much."

"What's Star Trek?" asked Wesley.


I sat at the table and Wesley ordered me a crepe. The computer had poured maple syrup over strawberries and a sweet puree.

"Would you like me to take you for a tour around the ship?" asked Wesley.

"Yes," I tried to say it not too excitedly. "Could I get regular clothes?"

"Yes," said Beverly. She went to the Replicator and ordered a small regular person suit.

"Thank you," I said as I finished my crepe. I headed to the bathroom, and got changed. 

I came out in the suit and Wesley smiled, so did Beverly. I smiled and blushed, I couldn't help it now.

"What?" asked Wesley.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why did you blush?" 

"I'll tell you later," I said as Beverly smiled.

Wesley and I went out the door and into the corridor. He turned left and I followed. We passed many things, including the Holodeck where I did my address program.

"Have you seen Main Engineering?" Wesley asked.

My heart fluttered, I'd always wanted to see it for real. "No."

Wesley smiled and my heart flipped again. We continued down the hall towards a Turbolift. 

"Main Engineering," said Wesley.

I suddenly noticed how small the Turbolift was.

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