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I tried to move. My stomach felt wrong. I groaned and held it.

"Those are just the sedatives, once those wear off we will start the-" said the nurse, but I didn't hear the rest. I was beamed somewhere, and when I saw where, I rejoiced.

I was back on the Enterprise! The entire crew was in the transporter room. Picard was in the corner smiling and Deanna and Wesley and Beverly ran up and hugged me. My knees gave away but they kept holding onto me. Worf and Riker patted me on the back and laughed. Well, Riker did. I felt weak, and I didn't know if it was from extreme happiness or the drugs. I felt sick to my stomach.

I vomited on the floor and I had another seizure. I felt it coming on when they hugged me. Beverly said something to O'Brien and I was beamed with Beverly to Sick Bay.

I looked in the glass separating the Sick Bay office. My face was white and my body was shaking silently now. I tried to relax but I started seizing violently again. I was shivering and hot at the same time, like a fever. Beverly tried to restrain me but then remembered that they had the invisible restraints. Why did everything happen to me? I laughed.

Beverly gave me something and the seizure went away. I felt better and not as dizzy as before. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be not-drugged. I smiled weakly and then fell asleep.

"Janie," a voice said. "Janie?" It was Deanna.

I opened my eyes and looked around my quarters. I felt the need to drink water. I stumbled out of bed and Deanna helped me to the replicator without question.

"Water," I grumbled. My voice was scratchy and I felt weak in the knees.

"Please specify what temperature," the computer replied back.

"Cold." The computer seemed to process my command and a glass of water came. I gulped it down thoroughly.

"You okay?" asked Deanna.

"Yeah," I croaked. "I think it was just the...Star Base." I had awful memories of that place now. I subconsciously felt the scar over my heart. Something no tool of the future could repair. 

"Yes. Do you feel any feelings of resentment over the fact?" asked Deanna.

"No." I looked at her then the replicator. "French toast," I said. I gobbled that down too.

She looked at me again, trying to read my emotions. I didn't feel anything, so I don't know why she tried.

"Are you sure? I can't read you," she said.

"Well then stop trying," I snarled. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I walked over to the bed and sat down. "Do you think I'll have the dream again?"

"No, you won't have that awful nightmare you've been telling me about. I don't think so," she said with false confidence.

The nightmare was awful indeed. I woke up in the dream, thinking I wasn't in the dream, but the crew around me is bloody and tied up and then a Ferengi and a Romulan killed me. I tried not to think of it.

"When am I going home?" I asked.

"When you're ready."  

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