Surviving the Ferengi

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I didn't want to leave the operation/probe/whatever that room was. I was scared and weak, like I had lost a lot of blood. I looked in the shiny cloth and saw that my face was pale and thin. I wondered how long ago I had eaten. I raised my phaser at the door and waited for anything to happen.

I had tried the doors before. Locked. The room had a sense of doom around it. I felt like I wasn't the only one who was going to die here. I hit myself in the head. I wasn't going to die. Finally, a lonely and sad Ferengi came into the room with a worried look on his face. His face then looked confused when he saw nothing on the table and bloody needles on the floor.

"The probes!" he exclaimed, his face wide in shock. I used that chance to slip behind him and into the hall, but not before shooting him and stunning him. So they were probes. Maybe they were just trying to learn basic human anatomy.

I rushed down the long green hallway. My reflection in the shiny walls ran with me as I ran to who knows where. A door popped up when I turned the corner and I went inside. The small room looked like a maintenance closet. I put my phaser on the floor, grunting at the pain all over my body. I pressed my com-badge.

"Are you close?" I asked, weak from the pain.

"We ran into some Romulans," said Picard.

"In Federation territory? Isn't that war?"

"You're in the neutral zone."

"Oh, I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? You sound like you're in pain."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, good work Ensign."

I stood there for a moment, not wanting to move. I gasped when I saw the blood seep through my uniform. I unzipped my uniform and pulled it down to my waist. My whole body was bloody. Blood was smeared all over and that thick dark red color stuck to my skin. Those probes went in deeper than I thought they would. I pulled my uniform back up and grabbed my phaser off the grey floor.

As I came up with another groan, a Ferengi opened the door. I shot him in the chest, only stunning him. His face was frozen with an expression of shock. I hesitated before running past him and turning to the right, which was further down the hallway. I ran past two other doors before turning left, and then I came to a room that was way too familiar.

Their bridge of course!

I shot one in the chest as another grabbed me, and I dropped my phaser. I elbowed him in the neck and rolled, grabbing my phaser again. Another Ferengi leaped over a board and came running at me with a knife, and I shot him too.

And then I felt it.

I had missed the Ferengi behind me, and he had stabbed me in the heart. I started to laugh. I realized this is exactly what happened to Picard. Stabbed in the heart, and Agent Coulson too in Avengers. Lots of the greats take one in the heart, and I among them. My breathing became heavy, but I laughed and laughed despite the searing pain going through my chest. Maybe I would be okay. How would I tell my parents? A blue beam wrapped around me, the knife still protruding through my chest. My parents, I thought.

I was transported right to Sick Bay, still in my kneeling position. The whole crew was there, and I saw all their expressions before I blacked out. Riker watched me in horror. Deanna started to cry. Beverly stood there and dropped her Triquarter. Wesley ran over to me and cried as well. Captain Picard ran in afterward, and broke down. Worf was a wall of brick. A brick wall that had water seeping through its eyes. Maybe this was how I would die...

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