Sick Bay Scare - Redux

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"Riker to Sick Bay!" said Riker as he looked at Captain Picard.

"Honestly, you must believe me!" said Q as he looked at my neglecting face. "He tricked the test! It wasn't my fault, come now, um, Jane." He sounded nonchalant about the whole thing.

"This is a big deal!" I said, motioning to Picard.

"Yes?" asked Beverley over the com-badge. 

"We have an emergency, Captain is down!" said Riker. There was a deathly silence. I really shouldn't say that word. I knew Beverly could fix this, it was minor with their technology, right?

"Beam him to Sick Bay!" Riker exclaimed to O'Brien, and he set off out the door, with me close in pursuit. Much to my chagrin, Q followed as well.

I turned on my heel, putting my hand out in front of me to stop Q. "Hold it."

"I'm a friend of P-."

"No! Just go away Q," I said stubbornly. His face didn't fall, he just looked even more amused. I laughed and he ticked his head sideways. I glared. I was delirious.

I ran after Riker, and the doors didn't react in time to my sudden entrance, and took time to recognize that I was there. A scream boiled up in my throat. The doors finally opened and I burst into the room. Picard was lying on a table, and he was in worse condition ever.

His eyes were closed, and his face was bloody. The right side shone little bits of white. Little bits of bone. His uniform was torn and his legs were bony and bloody as well. He looked terrible. Puss oozed over his small wounds and drowned the drastic ones.

"He's not dead," I heard Wesley say. His eyes met mine, and they weren't sure. He gripped my hand, but I pulled away, drifting towards Picard.

"I know," I whispered, as if being quiet would make him okay. I've never seen so much blood in my entire life, not all at once. My head felt lightheaded and I felt the world go black.

I woke back up and sat forward quickly. I saw that Picard was growing back skin, and Beverly was holding the tool that did that. Riker was next to him, shirt off, and a blood collector in his arm. A tube went into Picard's arm, and I knew that Riker and Picard  were blood compatible. That's interesting. 

I couldn't think straight, I had to do something. I started crying, but I didn't feel anything. I didn't shake or sniffle. I only felt tears run down my face like a waterfall.

"He's going to heal just fine," said Beverly, and she came over and checked me. "How do you feel?"

"I can't feel," I said, still staring at Picard. I felt so aimless, so lost. A member of the crew was going to die because of me, and all that blood...

"Why don't you see Deanna," said Beverly.

"No," I said sternly. Beverly opened her mouth to object, and then closed it after she saw the determination in my face. "I want to see him get better."

"He will," said Beverly, but her eyes told a different story.    

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