Heart of Steel

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I didn't die. We were right next to the border, and dropped off at a Star Base. Which one I wasn't sure. I was unconscious the entire time of operation, and they didn't have to sedate me once.

Like Picard, I was given a robotic heart. My organ replaced with metal and plastic. I couldn't breath right at first, but the doctors said it was normal. What was normal about a metal heart?

I sulked around a lot more now. I wasn't allowed back on the Enterprise until I was fully recovered. I was right? I could only watch the Enterprise detach from the loading bay and watch it float away without me. According to the doctors, no on was allowed to know of my recovery. That means that the my crew didn't know if I was dead or alive. They didn't know if I was gone.

I perked up from my crumpled position as a nurse came in.

"Can I contact my crew?" I asked hopefully. "I want them to know that I'm okay."

"Maybe I'll pull a few strings for an Ensign. You may contact your captain. Only your captain," she said as she smiled. I smiled back and she handed me a long distance com-badge. I pressed it gently, rubbing my finger around the rim before I did.

"Janie to Captain Picard?" I said, waiting for a response.

"Janie? I thought you might be dead," he said. Tears ran down my face.

"I have a robotic heart, just like you."

"I didn't want you to suffer through that..."

"I know."

"Get better, Janie, I'll let the crew know."




I pressed the com-badge again, ending the transmission. I started to cry, harder than I've ever cried before. Images filled my head and I tried to stop them but they swarmed around me.

Wesley leading me through the Enterprise. Riker playing poker with me. Deanna comforting me in the dead of night. Beverly smiling and playing as well. Data and I cracking jokes. Or just me. Worf and his serious face. And Picard. Oh, I don't know. He was like a second father to me.

I buried my head in my hands, and cried. I didn't feel tired, though, I felt adrenaline coursing through me. My breathing was heavy again. My arm started to twitch violently, and I tried to get off the table/bed and get to the nurse, but I fell to the floor. The twitches got worse and spread throughout my body. Soon, I was seizing and writhing on the ground. Helpless.

"H-" I tried. "Help!"

The nurse finally came into the room and looked at the monitor. She gasped when she saw my heart beating rapidly. Then her eyes drifted to me and I wondered how she missed me having a seizure on the floor. She pressed her com-badge and two huge men beamed into the room. They grabbed me, struggling to keep me still. I couldn't control my limbs.

They dragged me down a hall and into a padded room. A few minutes later I was fine, but I just wanted to rest. I blacked out with no idea what was really happening.

There was something much more sinister happening at Star Base.

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