Going Home...With A Partner In Crime

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My mouth dropped with the sudden news. I put my hand to my head, unable to hear this amazing...yet bitter news.

"When?" I asked.

"There is only a short window to beam you back with Data and the parts-" said Geordi.

"What do you mean parts?" I asked, interrupting him.

"The parts to build a transporter, so you can transport between worlds. You can go to your world easier once you set up the transporter there."

"How short is the window?" asked Picard.

"Very short. Say your goodbyes and come with me. You as well Data," said Geordi, pointing to Data.

"Bye everyone! I hope I will see you again," I said. Picard walked up and hugged me tight. Riker joined in, then Beverly, then Deanna. Everyone surrounded me in this big group hug of amazing people. I realized that, when I go home, these caring people will become actors who don't know that I exist. I looked around at everyone's faces, starting to tear up. "Let go of me now. I'm going to cry." I wiped my eyes and Deanna and Beverly laughed.

"Goodbye Janie!" screamed the crew as the Turbolift doors closed. Data and Geordi stood next to me. I looked around the Turbolift, excited to finally be going home, but sad that I couldn't stay. If this doesn't work...

"Janie, you will return to the exact moment in time on your Earth that you left and got moved here. Nothing will be different, except your age, which will go back to your age when you left. However, you will be wearing the uniform and not what you wore when you came here. Data will be right with you," said Barclay.

"Do you have any place where you can conceal the transporter?" asked Geordi.

"Yes. I have a walk-in closet," I said. "I already put a lock on it because I put secret stuff in there."

"Okay," said Geordi as we walked off the Turbolift and into Transporter Room Three. A bunch of disassembled parts lay around the transporter circles, with two left over for Data and I.

"Now do you get everything I told you?" asked Geordi. I nodded and looked at the parts laying on the transporter.

Most of the parts occupied the circles, but a couple tools were there as well. I guess that I couldn't buy these tools in the 21st century.

"Are you ready? You are quite tense and your heart rate has increased," said Data.

"I'm just fine," I said.

"We configured our transporters to send you back. You should be just fine," said Geordi. "Just send Data back over when you've built the transporter pad."

I nodded and then turned to Data. "It will be midnight when we get there, and my dad wakes up at about five, so that's five hours to get this thing done. Can we do that?"

"Yes, it is possible."

"Okay. Let's do this."

Data and I both stood on the transporter pads, and we slowly watched the Star Trek world melt away.

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