A Dream

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Caitlin Snow

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow Dr. McGee" I gather my phone from my recently straightened work area.

"See you tomorrow Dr. Snow" My boss replies never looking up from the sample she is examining.

I am halfway to my car when I realize I forgot my keys. "Dang" I debate heading back up to the lab, because I know the moment I do I will think of something else that must be done and I won't leave for another four hours. "Well I can't walk" I mutter turning back towards Mercury Labs.

Before I reach the door I see a figure rushing out of Mercury Labs. "Hey" I shout. Dr. McGee and I the only ones to stay this late.

"Caitlin" I hear the man say out of breath. "Who are you?" I still can't make out his face. At that moment the man in question steps in the light provided by the street lamps.

"I'm Barry Allen" he hands me my keys "Here I went looking for you and noticed you left your keys." He rambles before finally taking a calming breath "Caitlin I need your help."

My mind shuts out all the stalker alert thoughts. All I could think was he doesn't look familiar but he feels familiar. It's as if I dreamed about him but forgot the dream.

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