A Million Different Earths

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Looking at Iris I know. I know that Barry needs to talk to her, because I know that look. The look you give someone you love more than anything. Iris West may have told Barry to go for it with the women he fell in love with, but she defiantly wasn't expecting it to be me.

I was right that she knew of our feelings for each Luther but she never thought we would act on them. For some reason, maybe it's the part of me that didn't know her firstly as Barry's secret love interest but whatever part of me it is hates her for her reaction. "Go talk to her," I tell Barry turning my body so I am pressed against him so only he can her. "She wasn't expecting this." Nodding he pulls away from me. The moment his hand slips from my waist something in my breaks. Every nerve in my body screams warning me that I might lose him, that I need him. Sensing this Barry turns around with his newly required speed and kisses me. "I love you," he states letting Cisco as Iris hear. This warms my frozen heart just long enough to prep my self for his time away from me.

"Iris," he say walking away from me and out the door not looking at her. "It was you?" She states looking at me with a blank expression. When I don't respond she turns following Barry.


"What the hell?" Iris yells hitting my chest. Looking out the door I think of Caitlin. The last thing I want to do right now is have this conversation but I know that it needs to happen. "Iris you told me to go for it..." I look at the women I love as I always should have. "Why are you acting like this now? Why? I thought you liked Caitlin?" I question trying to figure her out. I thought she understood. Or is she not as over me as she seemed to be?

"Caitlin?" She raises her voice. "You have known Caitlin this entire time!" She shouts, "and you haven't said one thing about her! Or have you forgotten you loved me." She states looking at me, pleading. "And how do you know that you even love her? You didn't have those feelings until you met another version of her that wasn't even her!"

Seeing red I speak without thinking, "I LOVE her." I state "I love every part of her. Every her their is, an if I travelled to a million different earths it would never change. I didn't know of my feelings before because I was blinded by my mixed feelings for you. It took you being out of the picture for me to understand what was right in front of me. Iris I am sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you for so long. I'm sorry that when I did it was to late. And I'm sorry that I told you when those feelings changed. But I'm not sorry for loving her.

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