To Soon?

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Caitlin took my story surprisingly well. She has agreed to aid me in my quest back home, but now I have to return to my home here and spend what could at any moment be my last with my parents.

"Mom" I shout letting my self in the front door. "Hey baby" her voice comes from the kitchen. It's seven o'clock in the morning I ended up staying at Caitlin's house talking to her until two am. When I got to my apartment building I was exhausted but I forced myself up for the Sunday morning breakfast with my parents.

"Hey" I say when my mom is in view. It is so odd. I have every loving memory of 'growing up' with her but I also have my memories from my Earth. I walk up to her giving her a hug. "You look exhausted. Sit, sit."she smacks me with her towel after she turns around giving me a kiss on my cheek.

I sit down at our island that sits in the middle of the kitchen. "Hey slugger" my dads hand follows his voice messing up my hair. "Hey dad" I take the coffee cup my mom hands me.

"So your lack of sleep wouldn't have anything to do with a girl would it?" My dad says out of the blue grabbing his own cup of coffee after kissing my mom.

I choke, "No! Well..maybe". My mom laughs placing the omelets in front of my dad and me and setting herself a spot. "So who is this girl?" She questions with a knowing smile.

"She is just a friend. Her name is Caitlin." I decide to be as honest as I can to them. My mom can tell a mile away when I am lying. "So you've met her before?" She pushes. Dad looks over at her fighting laughter. Usually he is the one that pushes. "Yah, I guess you can say that."

"You should take her to Jitters. I heard they make really good coffee. It would be something simple..." She closes taking a bite of the omelet she made. "So how is work honey" Dad can't fight the smile that stretches on his face. Mom never pries but she lets you know what she thinks of a situation.

"Hey Cait I was wondering I you wanted to go get some coffee at Jitters?"

"Yah that sounds great tomorrow?"

"Sounds great is 5 okay?"

"It's perfect see you then Barry"

He called me Cait again. I lean up against the lab station I am currently working at and stare at my phone. Is it wrong that I feel...attracted to him? Especially so close to Ronnie's death? I need to talk to a friend.

"Hey Cisco!" Cisco and I almost worked together but he choose to stay close to his family but we stayed in close contact.

"Hey Snow! What's up?"

"I need some friend time...Drinks tonight?"

"O boy trouble already" Cisco teases "I'm in. Does he have a sister?"

"Cisco!" I laugh

"Okay! Okay! I'll head over in few hours."

"Thanks Cisco"

"See ya"

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