The Right Circumstances

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Caitlin rushes in the doors of CC Jitters just as the clock strikes 12. As soon as the door opens Barry's eyes snap up immediately spotting Caitlin. Her blush matches her red dress perfectly and her rush made her hair almost sexy. Caitlin blushes a darker shade of red as her roaming eyes finally land on the man she came to meet.

At that moment she doubts Cisco's choice of clothing and thinks about rushing out of the doors, but before she moves Barry is in front of her letting his gaze run freely over her body. "You look stunning" he says in a low voice.

Caitlin smiles up at the man who with one sentence wiped away all her doubt. "I'm not over dressed?" Well most of it.  "Never" he whispers grabbing her hand and pulling her to the chairs he had set. "Shouldn't I order my coffee" Caitlin moves to stand. "No your coffee is on it way. I asked the manger to brew the strongest coffee they have." Caitlin smiles at the man who seems to know her so well.

"Barry" "Caitlin" They both start at the same time. "Okay you first" Barry laughs. "Barry am I imaging this" she waves a hand in the space between her and Barry. "No your not" Barry leans in to Caitlin making the space between them even smaller. "Barry" Caitlin's breath lands on Barry's face "were we a couple on your earth?" Barry thinks back to the lingering touches him and his earths Caitlin shared "no, just really good friends." Caitlin allows the string that is tied to Barry to close the space between them further.

"Umm your coffee" Barry snaps back as if he had been caught pants down by his mother. Caitlin looks up to the beautiful dark skinned brown eyed women who now has Barry's full attention. She looks between Barry and the women who by the badge on her chest is the manager and realizes that Barry has the same look on his face that she sees on her face in the pictures of her and Ronnie. "Thank you Iris." Barry responds to the women taking the coffee and the mugs from her hands.

As Iris walks away I turn towards Barry. "So Iris was your..." I feel so stupid I should have known.

"No, no. No!" Barry jumps grabbing my hands as if afraid I am going to leave. "Barry it's okay. That's one of the reasons you want to go back and I'm here to help you go back home not keep you here."

"Cait, Iris is....Iris was what I thought I wanted. What I thought I needed but I realized she was more my sister than someone I could spend forever with and it took meeting you. This you for me to realize that." I hold my breath not knowing if I heard him correctly. "I knew that I felt something for the Caitlin on my earth but I didn't know what until..." "Until the right circumstances were created." "Yes" he whispers "you know maybe this trip this journey here was for a reason."
I smile as my hand goes up to sweep his curly brown hair out of his face. "Maybe" I say pouring my self a cup of coffee.

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