Day 1

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Megumi's POV

"They escaped find them now!"

"Yes freedom is mine ,once I get my katana and Menori gets his kusirigama, we are out of here."

I reached the chamber where the cops had my katana. I punched through the glass and smiled.

"I missed you handsome. We're gonna fight off some cops today."

I met Menori, my older brother, in the front courtyard. Then...


The searchlights were on us and we were surrounded. Guards came from all directions and all went falling down. The ones who didn't attack were smart. They know Menori and I would kill them. After that, we left.

"Let's split up Megumi and I'll catch up with you."
"Ok Menori, be safe."
"You do the same."

We split up and I knew a place where I could lay low. My boyfriend Kai's apartment. It's a bit run down with only one room being the living room and a bathroom. Before I knew it I was there. I climbed up the fire escape and knocked on his window. He was sitting on the couch watching tv then he looked at the window. I waved with a big smile on my face. He got up and opened the window and I went in.

"Babe you finally broke out. I missed you. Oh and is your brother around?"
"I missed you too and no."
"Thank God. He always jumps down my throat when I'm with you."
"That's just what he does. So... whatcha watchin?"
"Just some 90's stuff on Nickelodeon .
Well don't be a stranger babe, come on sit."

He went to the couch and patted his lap. I knew what that meant, so I did.
I sat on his lap and watched All That followed by Kenan and Kel while he kissed my neck. Kai really wasn't by any means aggressive with me or cocky but my brother just hated him being with me so that's that.

After awhile he fell asleep. I got me and him a blanket then kissed him on the forehead and he smiled. I went to sleep too.

The Next Morning

I woke up and saw Kai was still sleeping so I got up and found something to polish my katana with. Those brutes probably didn't take care of it in that chamber when I told them to. I should give them a swift kick in the teeth.

I finished polishing my sword and sheathed it and Kai woke up and I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then we heard a knock on the door.

"This is the police. We just need to check your apartment."

I whispered to Kai.

"I gotta go honey. I'll be back whenever I can ok."
"Ok. Don't get caught. I love you"

We kissed each other and like that I was out the window I stayed behind to hear what they were gonna say to Kai.

"Come in." He told them.
"Young man, have you seen this girl?"
I suspect they showed a picture of me.
"Nope never seen that girl a day in my life, but she looks hot."

That's my Kai, a smooth talker.

"Alright, that's enough we'll be..."
I looked over and the window was still open. Shoot! I quickly jumped off the fire escape and ran behind a dumpster. I peeked and saw them look out the window but they didn't notice me so when they left I got up. I text Menori to meet me in front of the appliance shop. He said he will and bring our disguise outfits.

I started running because it was 5 blocks from where I was. I checked my phone to see if Menori text anything else then I bumped into someone and we were both on the ground. It was Menori. Of course.

"Why didn't you say anything when you saw me running." I said.
"I was running too so calm down."
"Fine you got the clothes correct?"
"Yeah are these two ok for us."

"Where the heck are we going looking like that?"

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"Where the heck are we going looking like that?"

We found a back ally and changed.

"Where are we going." I asked
"Bank. It's time for some allowance."
"Corny joke but ok let's go."

We went to the bank and held it up with 12 hostages and the police finally got there. Menori told me to put the hostages in the back room. Before the cops started shooting at us my brother and I bumped shoulders and became stronger and faster. Menori swatted all the bullets away with his kusirigama and I went in with a full on attack. I killed two cops. The rest of them got us and arrested us. Pretty soon we were in court for our trial.

"Megumi and Menori this is your 22 arrest with in two month." The judge, female, said.
"You've been keeping count?" I said
"I lost track after three." Menori said.
"Please you two we're going to have to separate the two of you."
"Like by floors?" Menori asked.
"No building wise. Menori you'll be in Irongate Prison which is in the next town over. While your sister her will be in Maincastle Prison which is on the opposite side of town from where you two normally stay. Do you two have any last words for each other before we send you both on your separate ways?"

I hugged Menori and he hugged me. We've never been separated like this before but we weren't sad. We whispered our plan.

"Menori I'll get you out of there if I break out first and vise versa ok."
"Ok love you lil sis."
"Love you too Menori."

We separated from our hug and nodded at each other then they took us our separate ways. An all new jail.
Good more people to beat down.

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