Day 7

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Megumi's POV

"Ok Haru, do you want me to start. My elementary, middle school, high school, or college years?"
"You went to college?!" Haru said shocked.
"Why does everyone get so surprised when I tell them that?"
"Sorry, sorry. Umm, start from the beginning."


As a child, my brother and I weren't what you would call "culturally normal". Our mother was Hawaiian therefore, she introduced us to Hawaiian spirit animals and we were taught to make this apart of our everyday lives. We made contact with them all the time, even in school, and kids thought we were weird. We were constantly teased and bullied. My mother had arranged for my brother and I to be with a teacher at the school who specialized in helping children control their spirit animals so they can function.

People took it to another level and decided to physically bully us because they disagreed with our way of life. One day, it was two boys and I at the end of the school day. We were in the hallway gathering our stuff when trouble rear its ugly head.

"You're so weird." one kid said.
"Why are you worshiping animals? Shouldn't you be a Christian and believe in GOD?" another kid asked rudely.
"My mom said I can believe in what I want." I said shakily.
"Well your mom doesn't know too much." the first kid said while pushing me to the ground.

"Hey! Leave her alone." My brother screamed from down the hall.
"Menori!" I said with a sense of hope but began to cry.
"Why'd you push her?" Menori asked while helping me off the floor and placing me behind him.
"Because you and your sister are weird. You animal worshipers." the second said and both of them began to laugh and walk away.

I could tell Menori wanted to get them so bad but he remembered our lesson from Mr.Forbes. Menori turned around to look at me.

"Let's go to Mr.Forbes. I'm sick of people picking on you." Menori said letting his tension loosen and walking in front of me.
"Aren't they messing with you too?"
"Yes, but I care about you more."
"Thank you Menori."
"No problem." He said smiling at me.

We went into Mr.Forbes room which had animal print theme all over the place.

"Megumi, Menori. How may help you two before it's time for you to go home?"
"People continue to pick on us and I've been trying very hard not to fight them. Two kids just pushed Megumi to the ground for absolutely no reason." Menori said slightly angered.
"I see. Megumi? Are you okay?" Mr.Forbes questioned

I started to tear up.

"No! I don't want to come to school anymore. Why are kids so mean? It's not right!"
"Megumi, sweetheart, calm down. You're safe here, no one's going to be mean to you in this space. This is our sanctuary. No bad things or people are allowed in here." Mr.Forbes said reassuringly.

My brother hugged me trying to calm me down. I took me a good two minutes to get my emotions together.

"Better?" Mr.Forbes asked.

I nodded my head while drying my tears.

"Good. Now can I see both of you activate you spirit animals before your mom comes to get you two. Megumi do you want to go first?"

I closed my eyes, thought about all the positive things that make up my spirit animal. My hair frizzed up. I opened my eyes. They flashed a bright pear green and stayed that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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