Day 4

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Haru's POV

"Well here's your bag Tiger with all your possessions," the desk clerk said handing her a duffle bag."These are the rules, you must be within 1 1/2 blocks of your guardian and if your not we'll come to bring you back here. Ok?"

She gave him a thumbs up and a just- shut-up-so-I-can-leave." look.

I turned and started walking when I heard her say something.

"Wait a second, hand it over... now."
She said with her attention on me then the desk clerk.

"Hand what over?"
"My katana, give it to me or I'll tear this place up looking for it."

There was slight fear and his eyes and he spoke into a walkie-talkie and asked for the supply keepers to bring her sword and they came quickly. She took it and started walking to the door and I went out after her. I lead the way to my car. A low, sporty, white convertible.

"You can put your things in the back."

She did so and we got in the car and I drove back to my place. She was looking out at the horizon to her right. It was silent for awhile until I decided to speak.

"What's your name?"
"Megumi. How about you?"
"Ito, Haru Ito."

She gave a slight nod of the head and continued to look ant the scenery.

I parked in the parking garage left to my building, if you're facing the building. We went into my apartment. Which is kind of small. Let's say as soon and you open the door and walk in a little the kitchen, which is also small, is to the left. My tiny living room with a TV and couch/fold-up bed. Then if you go right and have your back towards the kitchen door there are three doors one back a little further than the other two on the left. That's my room. Then going right is the bathroom and the door closest to the TV is my coat closet. Anywho that's the little tour of my place. Pun intended.

"Is there a gym near by? " She asked.
"Yea, right next door."
"Thanks." She said going through her bag on the floor for a workout outfit.
"No problem." I just watched her. Then she stood up.
"I have two questions.
One: where can I get changed?
Two: while I'm gone, can I absolutely trust you with this?"

She held her katana infront of me. I could tell she was serious. Come to think of it this whole time she's been looking serious.

"Yes to both question. You can change in there." I pointed to my room.
"Ok then. I'll put it on your bed."

I sat on my couch and thought about my life choices recently. And I'm greatly disappointed in them.

A few minutes later she came out in a boxing outfit. She had her phone and earbuds along with wraps for her hands.

"I'll go with you. You can use my gym membership card."
"Ok." She said with the same expression on her face.

We walked over and I showed the clerk my card and she flashed Megumi a look but Megumi ignored it.

I decided to sit on the side line in the boxing room and watched Megumi box for a few minutes. She was in the zone. I left because I remembered I needed to watch her katana.

Megumi's POV

This boy is pretty nice. It feels weird though. No one in a long time has ever been this nice to me. But while I was boxing I listed to X Gon Give It To Ya.

I started to think about Menori and how many people he probably beat down already. He's truly an amazing brother.

Now after and hour I went back to Ito's apartment.

"Hey Ito, or do you prefer to be called by your first name."
"First name please." he said from the kitchen.
"Ok well Haru, is my sword still here?"
"Yup, right where you left it."

I headed for his bedroom and grabbed my sword when he started to say something.

Haru's POV

I cant take it anymore, I have to ask.

"Hey Megumi, why is that sword so special to you."

She turned around and looked at me.
I got a little scared.

"You really wanna know." She said.
"Y-Yes." I said trying to be calm.
"Sit down, it's story time."

I made my way to my couch and sat down and she sat on the floor.

"Are you ok sitting on the ground?"
"Yea I'm good. Anyway, this katana of mine is named *Tora no Kiba it was given to me by my mother 4 years before she died. I keep it with me in remembrance of her and use it to its full extent."

Wow, I thought she was gonna tell me she fought someone for it or made it herself out of someone's bones, but that threw me off guard.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but that's nice that you do that."

She looked down at her sword and gently rubbed the case of the sword with her thumb. I could tell she was in deep thought. I've noticed that she makes a certain face when she is.

"Listen Megumi, sorry I asked. I didn't mean to bring up sad memories. I just really want to learn more about you we'll be together for a year.

She snapped out of her deep thought and shot her head up.

"No no no its fine. Honestly. And as for getting to know me how do you want me to tell you?"
"How about everyday you tell me something about your past or about yourself. Sound good?"
"Great, tell me something tomorrow...
after school."

Her eyes widened and it was silent.

"Sch-Sch-School? She said shakingly.

It went silent again.I didn't think she was capable of being scared.

"You're still in school!?"
"Yup, I'm in a third-year in highschool."
"Oh no."

She said covering her eyes with her arm and fell backwards.

I looked at her for a second.

"You still alive down there?"
"Just barely." She mumbled.

I smiled at what she said. Megumi isn't that bad. Just misunderstood.
By many....many people.

*Tora no Kiba: japanese for tiger fang

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