Suho: Winter Wonderland

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"Jagiya!" I heard a voice yell from outside of my house. I opened the laced curtains from the window on the second floor and peered outside it. There he was, waving to me like an idiot on his bike. I rolled the window up to hear him say, "Jagiya! Come outside and play with me! It's beautiful outside!"

I smiled and shouted back, "It's so cold outside though! What are we going to do on a day in the middle of winter?" 

"Come on! Put on your coat and leave your den! Pretty please?" he pleaded with his puppy eyes. 

"Aigoo... Arresseo," I replied and sprinted downstairs. I pulled a sweater over my head and went outside, the icy, sharp wind smacking me right in the face. 

"Get on," he told me. I climbed aboard his bicycle and he bundled his scarf around my neck, "You're going to catch a cold. Here." I blushed when he got a bit too close and he turned back with a broad smile. "Okay, then. Hold on tight!" We cycled around the neighbourhood, and admired the beautiful scenery around us. The massive trees were trimmed with long icicles and coated with fluffy, white snow. It was like a winter wonderland, with everything around us crystallized with ice. He took my arms and wrapped them around his waist. Then he returned his to the black handle. I pressed my head against his warm, stiff back and hugged him. 

Suddenly, he pulled the bicycle to a halt and we both got off. We were at a park, and he handed me a pair of cute, baby blue mittens. "Put them on, you'll need them," he winked at me. I slipped them on my hands and followed him. He was patting a bunch of snow together with his leather gloves.

"Whatcha you doing?" I laughed. 

"Building a snowman!" he replied. He placed his mini snowball and rolled it around the park until it grew to a considerable size. I helped him with the second one, and then we polished the 2-balled snowman with some black, classic buttons and a Victorian, black top hat that Suho had in his bag. We took some instant pictures with Mr. Snowman with our white Polaroid. Our poses were hilarious! There was one where Suho pretended to punch him because I was hugging him, another where we were kissing it from both sides, and one with Suho munching on a carrot, leaning on the snowman.

While I was admiring our masterpiece and the pictures we took, Suho made another snowball, and I went to him. "Suho? What's that for?" All of a sudden, he threw his creation at me. I giggled and ran away from him, "YAH! That's not fair!" I made a snowball myself and whipped it at him. He tried dodging, but it hit him in the face anyway, and he laughed. It turned into a huge snowball fight, and before we knew it, we were all dripping wet.

"Suho! Let's call it a truce! Stop throwing snow at me!"  

"No truces. Only surrenders!" 

"Okay, okay, I surrender!"

"Then call me oppa." He stopped making snowballs, but pulled me towards him by the waist. Then, he put his face close to mine as if trying to kiss me.

I squealed and attempted to escape, but his grip wasn't loosening. I gave him a quick peck on the lips to release myself, "Oppa." He gave me a pleased smile and let go of me. 

"C'mon, let's go get some hot cocoa. I'm freezing," he complained, pulling me to a stand nearby. We bought two cups of creamy, delicious, hot chocolate and sipped it slowly.

Suho looked at me weirdly and I stopped drinking and asked him, "What?" 

"Can I have yours?" he asked, reaching for my cup.

"No, why?" I lifted it away from his hand, "You're not finished yours yet!"

"Your's look more delicious!" He snatched it from my hand and took a sip, then let out a satisfied sigh, "Aah, much better!" 

I took it back and inspected it, wondering how or if I should drink it. He probably had guessed what I was thinking, and smiled smugly, "Your saliva tastes good."

"You're such a moron!" I slapped him teasingly and he laughed, squeezing my hands in his. 

"I love you," he confessed. 

"I know, I know, and I love you too," I nuzzled my nose against his. When I backed away from him, he took his mittens off as well as mine and breathed on my hands while rubbing his hands against mine, making them warm and cozy. 

"Uhm, oppa? I have something for you." I took out the wool, infinite scarf I knitted myself and circled it around his neck. "I made this myself."

"Oh, gomawo!" he thanked me. He then noticed a pair of lovers skating on the ice rink nearby, and suggested to join them.

"Oppa, I don't know how to skate!"  I protested as he pulled me to the rink. 

"I'll teach you! It'll be fun!" he promised. We rented and put on our skates, then he glided across the rink with my hands in his, "See? I told you!"

"Don't... go too... fast! Gyaah!" I screamed as I tripped and stumbled.

He caught me in his arms. "Jagiya are you alright?" 

"Mmm..." I helped myself up and turned my bright red face away from him. He taught me how to move in my skates, stop, and get back up if I fall. I finally learned now to skate less than no time. He held my hand and we twirled on the ice, prancing around the perimeter of the rink. After skating for a few good hours, we left the rink at last and he brought me home. 

I fell asleep on his back on the trip to my house, as tired as a dog. 

"Jagiya? We've arrived!" He looked behind his back and smiled when he saw my sleeping face. He turned back, not wanting to wake me up, but then I aroused from my sleep anyway. I saw him blushing and scratching his head, as if he didn't know what to do while I was sleeping. I pretended to still be asleep when he turned to face me again, wondering what he'd do. He leaned closer and kissed my forehead, and I opened my eyes, causing him to flinch.

"Ah, you're awake?" he asked with his best poker voice and cleared his throat, his face as red as a cherry. I rubbed my eyes and nodded with a smile on my face, then I got off his bike.

"Thank you for everything today. It was really fun." I piveted away from him and smiled secretly. "Hey, oppa, do you want to come over and spend the night with me? It's cold and late already..."

His eyes brightened and he nodded, "Sure!"

We made our way to my house together, hand in hand, with the cold breathing on our skin as if to hasten us inside and enjoy the nighttime together... Away from the winter wonderland that brought us much joy today and into my "den", where we could snuggle in our covers... together.

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