EXO-M: Happy Valentine's Day!

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(A/N: These mini scenarios are all in alphabetical order. Hope you have/had a fantastic Valentine's Day! ^^ )


"_______-ah, what are you doing this Valentine's Day?" your friend, Gayoon asked you. 

You shrugged and when you were about to reply, someone pulled a cap over your head. You lifted the peak that covered you eyes with your hands to see who it was. As you had suspected, your other friend, Chen was standing behind you, grinning broadly.

"You look cute in that cap. Keep it!" he teased. You blushed. You always had the biggest crush on Chen, and only Gayoon knew that. Even the guy himself had no clue. 

"No way! It has your germs in it!" you laughed as you threw it back at him, trying to control your emotions. He flashed a smile at you then put it back on his head and left. 

"_______?" Gayoon tried getting your attention back. "______!"

You flinched and replied, "Ne?"

"I asked you what you were doing tomorrow. It is gonna be Valentine's Day."

"I dunno..." your eyes never left the back of Chen as it slowly disappeared down the hallways. 

Gayoon smiled and elbowed you, "Tell Chen-chen how you feel about him!" You stared at her with an alarmed expression on your face


"Do it! It's almost our last year here anyways! You never know if you'll ever see him after University. If you don't confess now, you'll regret it." 

You knew that what Gayoon said was the truth, but how in the world could you confess to Chen? He doesn't even treat you like a girl, for all you know! However, you were determined to try. "Arresseo," you tell her as you pouted your lips. "I'll tell him tomorrow."

The big day came by really fast. Still fretting on how his reaction would be, you take a deep breath to calm your beating beast down. You looked at the home-made pack of chocolates you had spent all night making. You had wrecked your whole kitchen just to make a few pieces of brownies for him, but it was worth it. At least you hoped so. You waited until you saw Chen passing by, hands tucked in his pockets, humming a casual tune. 

Here goes... you though as you approached him. He spotted you and smiled. "Whatcha doin' here, _____? You don't  have any classes here!" 

You blushed and bowed down 90 degrees, handing the pack of treats to him. "Here! These are for you!"

He took it and laughed, "What is this? A love confession?"

"Yes." His smile disappeared as you continued, "I've always liked you, I just didn't have the guts to tell you. Well, here I am! And I want you to know that I like you. A lot. Will... Will you go out with me?" 

You stared at his blank, straight face. Did I ruin our relationship? you worried. Suddenly, he cracked a laugh then burst out laughing. "Sorry. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Actually, I've been wanting to ask you the same question, so my answer is a definite yes." He pressed his lips against yours and held your shoulders. You smiled as he kissed you devotedly. When he finished his kiss, he beamed at you and opened the package. "What's in here? Oh, brownies? Lemme have one!" He popped a brownie in his mouth and chewed carefully. Then, he wrinkled his nose. "Jagiya, we really need to work on your cooking."

"Huh? Really? I thought it tasted fine!" You took one and tasted it. You quickly spat it out and giggled, "Yeah, I guess so..."

He hugged you and whispered, "I'm glad I wasn't alone this Valentine's Day. I'm complete now that I have you."

~EXO IMAGINES (Valentine's Day Special)~Where stories live. Discover now