Kai: CPU? Nonononono, it's I love you.

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I knew there was something wrong when he gave me his sexy, appealing smirk along with a wink. Boy, how many years have I known Kai for? 6? And now tell me why I still fall for his stupid little traps. 

"Hey, baby, do you wanna... you know?" he licked his lips seductively and I scoffed. His hands slithered along my waist and he sniffed my hair. I could feel his lips touching my ear, then he whispered in it. "Let's..." 

"No. You know how much I hate it. It's fun, but it hurts."

"C'mon, babe. Just one game, that's all I'm asking for." I shook my head at his request.

"One game of Nintendo? Please?"

"Yah, I told you already! When you play Nintendo, you're the meanest thing ever! It hurts my soul and our relationship! Aniya, just no. We are not playing Nintendo, or Xbox. End of discussion."

(5 minutes later)

Why did I eventually agree to this? I ask as we both press the control buttons insanely on his bed. 

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, DIE!" yelled Kai.

"NO, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DEFEAT ME THIS TIME!" I screamed as he attacked me with his pokemon once more. But the damage was too great, and my character died. "Ugh, darnit." I flopped onto the mattress and exhaled deeply while pouting. This is why I never like to play video games with him. He's just too good... Kai saw my upset expression, and scratched his head. Peering over at my face, he smiled, "Mianhae, jagiya, but you're just really bad at video games!" 

That did it. I stood up, angry as hell, "Then why do you still ask me to play these stupid RPGs with you when I'm really bad at them, huh? Is that your hobby? I'm sorry, but if that's so, Kim Jongin-ssi, you'll have to find another hobby." I stormed out of his room and left. I knew what he said was right, but the way he said it just ticked me off.

He was still sitting on his bed, wondering what he did wrong. Was I a bit too harsh again? he asked silently in his head. "You'll have to find another hobby"... Yeah, I think I do need more  hobbies... But what hobbies should I find? He took a look at his top hat and smiled. That'll do...

After 2 weeks, Kai invited me to his dorm again. I had forgiven him way before then. He told me that he has found a "new hobby" and will present it to me. I smiled as he put on his preparations - a black top hat, a black cane, and a cape. "Jonginnie, what's this for?" I asked. He smirked and told me to be patient.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, the amazing, wonderful, magical Kim Jongin!" Kyungsoo announced as Kai took a bow with all his accessories. EXO and I clapped, hollering and whistling while we're at it. 

"Thank you, thank you," he smiled at me in particular. Then he twirled his black cane around and it became colourful. We oohed and ahhed. Seeing our positive reactions, he decided to perform more magic tricks and slid his hand from one tip of the cane to the other. The cane became a handkerchief, and we applauded. More handkerchiefs came into sight as he miraculously pulled them out of his palm. Then, the faults appeared. Kai, being the total klutz he is, dropped the device that held all the handkerchiefs on the ground and we stared at it as a wave of complete silence crashed into us. 

"Okay, then, next act!" Kyungsoo tried to distract us from the ground. Kai removed his hat from his head and tapped his wand at it. Ah, the bunny act, I thought as he stuck his hand in the hat and pulled something out of it. He furrowed his eyebrows when he felt the texture, but pulled it out anyway. Instead of a bunny, he pulled out a chicken instead, and the chicken pecked his hand, causing him to release it. It ran around the room, squawking around like a mad animal. Sehun, Chanyeol and I burst out laughing, but tried to hold it in when we noticed the humongous frown on Kai's face. 

I cupped my mouth with my hands and cheered, "WOOOH! Oppa hwaiting!" A smile crossed his face, over the frown, and he continued his show. Kai showed us an empty hand, then put a large piece of black fabric over it. Then, he removed it, revealing a withered, wilted, dead, black rose. His face was hysterically blank, and I couldn't help it. The laughter came out, then by the time I knew it, everyone was on the floor, laughing and putting our hands over our stomachs.

"Yah! You guys are so disrespectful!" Kai pouted. I wiped a tear off my eye and held the rose. 

"Yeobo, this isn't bad for your first try! C'mon now, smile! You gotta admit, that was pretty funny," I laughed as I handed him the rose.

"Your expression was priceless!" snickered Chanyeol.

Kai scoffed, then started laughing as well. Laughter painted the atmosphere, then Luhan played some music on. It was one of Kai's favourite song, Snow by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He bit the stem of the rose and said through gritted teeth, "May I have this dance, young lady?" 

I giggled and took his hand. He put his hand to my waist and another to my hand. I placed mine on his shoulder and he tugged me closer to him. He sniggered at the "couples" around him. Luhan was dancing with Sehun, Tao was dancing with Kris, then a bunch of idiots (Xiumin, Lay, Chanyeol, Suho, Chen, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun), were just wiggling all around, pretending to "slow dance". 

An intense dancing competition followed the slow dances between all the EXO members. After a while, Kai and Lay were left, and they planned on breaking the tie with a game of twister to test their flexiblity. The game continued for about an hour, and both the dancing machines were all knotted up together. Lay's arms were entwined with Kai's right leg, and Kai's left leg was over Lay's body. 

"Uh... guys? Do you want to just call it a tie?" I suggested.

"NO! I'm... never... losing to you!" a stubborn Kai said.

"Me... neither!" Lay grunted. "Continue the game, ____!"

"Okay then. Kai, left foot - blue." 

The last blue spot was all the way on the other side of the mat, and Kai had to pass Lay's neck and head to reach it, making the positions even more awkward and complicated. 


"Bwo? My feet aren't stinky!" Kai insisted.

"Ugh, I can't take this anymore! I give up!" Lay released himself to the ground and we applauded and cheered.

"Yay! Oppa, you won!" I chirped.

"Yeaaayy! Oppa, you won!" Sehun, Luhan and Baekhyun imitated in their best girly voice. I laughed as Kai pretended to slap them. 

"Aahh! Ow ow ow ow ow..." Kai expressed in pain, putting his hand to his back. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think I sprained a muscle..." he blushed.

I took out some medication and had to massage his back that night. 

"You see what I mean? Your hobbies always end up to no good!" I slapped his back, and he squealed like a girl.

"It's your fault for asking me to find new hobbies!" he turned around to me, shirtless. I blushed and tried looking away as he continued, "You know how boring it was without you? I had to play my games with some stupid computers!" He held my hands, "Can you play with me? Please? One more chance?"

I wrinkled my nose at the request, but at the end said yes to him anyway. We were, once again, screaming our heads off while continuously pressing the buttons. I died, and I slumped in my position on the bed. Kai peered at my face and smiled. This time, he didn't comment on my gaming skills, but lifted my chin with his finger and kissed me.

"I'm never playing with stupid computers anymore. I want to game with you, only you. I love you," he told me as he gave me a hug.

I hugged him back and replied, "I love you too, Kim Jongin."

~EXO IMAGINES (Valentine's Day Special)~Where stories live. Discover now