D.O: An Embarrassing Adventure

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"Jagiya, are you alright? Your lips are all pale! You need to wear more layers of clothing!" my worried boyfriend kept on nagging at me. 

"Yah, Do Kyungsoo! I'm not cold! I'm just not feeling well, that's all! Women have these monthly days when they're sick, okay?" I turned away from him on the couch and covered my tummy with my arms.

"WHAT? You're not feeling well? Where are you not feeling well? Are you okay, jagiya? Do you need to go to the hospital? Hah? Answer me!" 

Ugh, this guy...

"I'm okay! I have my period, alright? I just need some rest, that's all!" I realized that I was a bit too loud and angry at him, and he was pouting when I turned to face him. "Kyungsoo, mianhae. It's just that... It's awkward when I have to say everything so straightforwardly to you... Especially when I'm talking about... my sexual state." I gave him a peck on the cheek and chimed, "Saranghae, oppa~"

His arms were still crossed, and he eyed me with one of his eyebrows raised. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Huh? About what?"

"About loving me."

I laughed and poked his cheek, "Ne, oppa. Oppareul saranghae~" Suddenly, something was wetting my underwear and I rushed to the washroom to check. Like I had predicted, the pad had a hole in it. I scrummaged through the drawers to get another one, but it was empty. Great, just my luck.

"______-ah, are you alright?" Kyungsoo called.

"Oppa, can you do me a favor? The blood went through my pad, but we have none left for me to change! Can you please buy me some?"

"Okay! Don't worry. Wait for me, jagiya, I'll be back in 5 minutes!"

I waited and waited in the bathroom. 5 minutes had passed, and yet he was still out. 10, 15, 20. Almost half an hour had passed until he had finally came home. *THUMP!* I heard an object hit the ground after he pulled his keys out. 

"Jagiya, I'm back!" He knocked on the door, "Open up!"

I opened a little slot just for him to pass one to me, but instead, in his hands were 6, bulging shopping bags, all of them filled with tampons and napkins.

"What the-? How many did you buy, Kyungsoo?"

"I didn't know which brand you use, so I bought a pack from every brand I could find..." 

I laughed, then replied, "Just give me one, I don't care which brand it is." He did as I ordered, and I closed the door and changed the pad along with my panties quickly. I washed my hands then exited the washroom, drying my hands on my pants. 

"Oppa, gomawo," I thanked. He was sitting on the couches, and his hand was rolling something round and white on his eye. "Omo, what happened, oppa?" His eye was bruised and a bit swollen.

"Oh, it's nothing. I got hit by an old grandma when I was buying your things, that's all." He looked away from me.

"Kyungsoo, tell me what happened, truthfully," I demanded in my stern voice, twisting his head to face me.

He sighed and blushed, "Okay, so I was buying your pads at the drugmart, and was planning to come home after that, right? But then the clerk was looking at me weirdly and put the pads in the bags as slow as a snail, so I did myself. Then, a bunch of high schoolers came in and recognized me. They were probably my fans, and they kept on taking pictures with me... and the pads. I ran as fast as I could away from them, and accidentally bumped into an old woman on the streets, sending the oranges she bought rolling everywhere.

" 'Are you alright?' I asked her, picking them up just for kindess' sake. She was still smiling at me until she saw what I dropped on the ground - the things I bought just a minute ago. 

'GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU PERVERT!' she yelled as she threw a bunch of oranges at me. I tried to help her up, but she punched me in the eye instead, so I ran for my life with these in hand." He held the shopping bags up. "That's what happened."

I stared at him and blinked. "Pffttt... AHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't control my laughter, and I burst out laughing. Blood rushed to his cheeks and he looked at me. 

"It wasn't funny. They even put the pictures on the internet!" He showed them to me on his phone, which just made me laugh even harder. I wiped the tears from my eyes when I saw the gloomy look on his face, and put my arms around him.

"Awhhh, don't be mad at me, oppa. It makes my day to know that you'd do such things for me..." I planted multiple kisses on his cheeks, "Gomawo, oppaaaa~ Mwuah, mwauh. mwuah!" Then I kissed his thick, beautiful, pink lips, but didn't end it quickly, unlike the kisses I gave him on the cheek.

He blushed and scratched his head after I broke the kiss, and said, "Well, I guess if I get kisses like that every time I get beaten up, I'd get into fights more often..."

I giggled and laid my head on his lap as he turned the TV on.




He petted my head and kissed my forehead, "I love you too."

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