• 0 - prologue •

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A fair skinned man with pointed ears held his baby tight as he yelled down the stairs to his wife, who was staring at the home she'd loved for years as it crumbled to dust in the flames around her. Another volley of shots pierced through the soot covered collapsing walls beside her, snapping her back into reality. Panicked, she stumbled up the steps as the flaming banisters licked her ankles and left burns. Her ears rang as yet more shots ripped through what had once been her sanctuary. She grasped her husband's hand, and together they headed for their bedroom.

"I'm scared, Roy..." she began, before being quieted by a tight squeeze of the hand and a dedicated nod. "We'll find a way out of this." he said, holding his baby in his right arm while holding his wife's hand with the other. "We have to. For Link."

The next events happened in slow motion, as if arranged in precisely timed steps.

Link cried loudly, overwhelmed by the heat and noise.
As if in response, the house let out a terrifying, echoing groan as the supports of the first story began to give way.
Anne stumbled, losing her balance and falling back as the room began to skew.
Roy threw open the room's front window facing the street, tearing aside the netting.
The house groaned again, fiercer than before.
The ceiling began to fall apart, beams sinking through the threshold.
Roy whipped around, reaching out for Anne.
The ceiling collapsed, trapping Anne beneath.
Roy yelled for his wife.
Anne cried "GO!!"
The front of the bottom floor collapsed.
Roy was thrown out of the window with Link in tow.
The house collapsed around Anne.

Roy landed on the ground outside, staring at the rubble that was once his home. With horror in his eyes and a sinking feeling in his chest, he realized that Anne had gone down with the house. No. No time for tears. They'll be coming, and they didn't seem to be the type to leave loose ends.

Roy limped towards his car, lightly damaged and sitting on the side of the road. More shots rang through the air, making sure that the job was complete. Roy limped faster. Throwing open the car door and jumping in, he started up the cheap gray minivan and lay Link on his lap. No time for the child seat right now.
He pulled away just as they entered the front yard.


"Hey, Dragmire? We're pretty sure that was Roy Smith driving away. Anne Smith's corpse was in the house, and no word on the kid yet."

A dark skinned man with blazing red hair listened to the report with calculating eyes. A jewel rested upon his forehead, glinting in unison with his eyes as he responded.
"Not an issue. The car is rigged."
He looked at his subservient with teasing, questioning eyes.
"Don't tell me that none of you saw this as a possibility?"

Reaching a gloved hand into his suit pocket, he pulled out a device roughly the size and shape of a walkie talkie and watched as a low quality feed from within the car began to broadcast.
"It's okay." Roy cooed in a whisper, a visible stream of blood coming from a cut on his forehead. "Daddy's here. Daddy's here, Link. It's okay."
"Father and son accounted for." Dragmire smiled, pressing a button on the side of the device.
Within moments, a ear shattering cacophony resounded through the skies as Roy's van exploded.
As the feed shuddered and disconnected, Dragmire found himself satisfied with the work he had performed.
"Mission complete, boys. The host has been eliminated."

As his goons began to retreat to the back side of the burning remains of the house where they had approached from, Dragmire gently removed his glove and watched the back of his hand as a stack of three triangles appeared upon it. The top triangle began to glow brilliantly as Dragmire studied it.

"One host downed, and one left to find."

As police arrived at the scene of the explosion, they found a few interesting things.
One, that the cause of the explosion was external, and had nothing to do with the car itself.
Two, a charred charm attached to the car keys.
Three, one extremely lucky living baby.

A u t h o r ' s       N o t e

i really really hope this wasn't shitty hhhhh,,,,
on another note, the name smith wasn't something I pulled out of my ass it's a reference to the minish cap-
link's grandpa's name is "master smith" or sometimes just "smith"

i really really hope this wasn't shitty hhhhh,,,,on another note, the name smith wasn't something I pulled out of my ass it's a reference to the minish cap-link's grandpa's name is "master smith" or sometimes just "smith"

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hope you enjoyed this!

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