• 7 - real •

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Soft, twinkling tunes danced out of Zelda's car radio as they headed for the mall, establishing a comforting atmosphere within her relatively nice car.
Lynn still couldn't believe it.
Years, actual years of anxiety and hiding crumbled in a second.
And then, just like that, she was living.
"Thank you for being so accepting.." Lynn began, turning to face Zelda's pale face, highlighted by the encroaching moonlight. "I'm sorry I just kind of sprung it on you when I came out. In all honesty, I wasn't even expecting myself to say it."
Zelda smiles, keeping her eyes on the road.
"It wasn't a big shock. I'm pretty involved with the LGBT community."
After a pause, she flashes a glance at Lynn.
"I'm a lesbian," She explains, flicking her wrist and revealing a bright bracelet bearing a pride flag.
"And I've got my trans cousin. She's living in Gerudo Town right now- otherwise I'd take you to meet her."
The car rumbled on softly.
Gerudo valley.
The population is entirely made up of women (or vai, as the Gerudo called them) save one man (or voe) born on a rare occasion.
Generally they don't let men into the hub of the valley, Gerudo Town, but they let a trans girl in.. Lynn had always considered the people of the valley to be more conservative. Maybe they were opening up on that front? Hard to say without a visit.
Lynn looked out her window and toward the skies, searching for signs of the goddesses.
Lynn wasn't sure how to feel about Din.
Goddess of power, she constructed not only physical trials but mental trials to test her strength.
Din forced her into a boy's body. As a test.
Long nights crying, inability to even shower without freaking out, internally screaming every time she heard "Link" or "he".
A test.
The car rumbled, passing over gutters and into a parking lot.
A fucking test.
How could Nayru and Farore, the two other goddesses of wisdom and courage respectively, allow this? Did they just ignore her anguish? The pain that this test caused her? Lynn could guarantee that this stupid goddamn test hadn't made her any more powerful, more accurately it broke her will and crumbled her to the ground.
What a great fucking test.
She snapped back into reality as Zelda shook her shoulder.
"Hyrule to Lynn? Goddess, I thought I lost you there for a minute." She snickered, successfully anchoring Lynn back into reality.
"Sorry, lost in thought.." Lynn stuttered, rubbing her shoulder.
Zelda smirked and gave her a shove. "We're here, dummy."
As the automatic doors parted, a gust of warm air welcomed them into the mall, the heating blasting at a comfortable level.
Stores. Stores everywhere.
This was truly a rich kid's mall experience. The mall itself was giant, and stores of varying types could be found around every corner.
Zelda strolled up to a map kiosk and began scrutinizing it, tracing out certain stores silently. As Lynn followed, Zelda turned and snapped.
"First, we've gotta go to Silent Princess. Their clothes are really cute and, uh, reasonably affordable. Then, maybe Snowquill, given that we're slipping in to autumn and you're gonna need some clothes. We're going to steer clear of Nightshade. I swear to the goddess Hylia herself, if you even think about wearing all black with a lynel saying "rawr" on the shirt, I will pretend that I never knew you." Zelda rambled excitedly, clearly ready to start shopping.
"Ready?" Zelda smiled, offering out a hand.
"You don't even know." Lynn responded nervously. Finally. Buying her own clothes. Girl's clothes. Good clothes!!!
With that, Zelda snatched up Lynn's hand and began  to barrel towards Silent Princess, running up the escalator and swinging wildly to avoid corners and other patrons.
For a few hours, Zelda helped Lynn pick out, try on, and buy clothes. One thing Zelda realized for sure was that Lynn definitely had a penchant for green.
Lynn eventually found herself stopping and gaping at a beautiful green floral dress.
It was perfect.
She ran her hands across the fabric, feeling the pattern and silky cloth.
It was covered in white flowers, with a green sash at the waist.
Suddenly, Zelda was behind her, judging the dress.
"Lynn. You've gotta try that one on."
Lynn didn't waste a second rushing to do so.
She pulled on the dress excitedly, and cocked her head to the side to look in the mirror.

She pulled on the dress excitedly, and cocked her head to the side to look in the mirror

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Holy shit.
Holy. Shit.
It looked good. It looked really good.
A pounding on the door ripped her attention away from the mirror.
Zelda's voice rang through the stall. "Either let me in or send pictures, Lynn!"
She clicked open the door, and Zelda, leaning against it, was sent sprawling across the floor with a thud.
With an "Oh my god!" Lynn rushed to Zelda's side, falling to her knees and grabbing her arm.
Zelda's eyes fluttered back open, and her breath stalled for just a moment as she took in Lynn.
"Lynn, holy shit."
The Triforces on their hands were glowing.
You look beautiful."
Lynn blushed, hard.
"Are you okay? That was a really nasty fall.."
Lynn reached for Zelda's hand, and the Triforces grew brighter.
With Lynn's help, Zelda stumbled to her feet.
"We should, um, we should finish shopping, huh? That dress is a must, absolutely." Zelda stuttered, her usual composure gone.
The last thing Lynn thought before changing back into her normal clothes was that Zelda was absolutely adorable when she was embarrassed.

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