• 5 - release •

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Link checked out of the hospital and, after settling his such and so's at the orphanage, went to Zelda's house to discuss everything going on. They had exchanged numbers at the hospital, and had since had some oddly close-seeming conversations for people who had just met not too many days ago.

Z: hey testing testing is this link?
L: yeah! zelda?
Z: yuppers- can u still come to my place tomorrow? this triforce junk is something that Needs 2 Be Discussed
L: yeah im away from work for a bit- plus my work shirt is covered in blood so
Z: yikes lol i can relate i ruined my favorite pastel pink sweater
L: do you only wear pastel pink bc im sensing a theme
Z: ,,,maybe
Z: ive got an aesthetic to uphold
L: lol jealous
Z: whaddya mean?
L: uh just like i can never pull off that kinda stuff and i don't have a ton of money for clothes
Z: you don't have to type "uh" fool this is texting
L: listen,
Z: ill give u smth to wear tomorrow, a cute sweater maybe
L: i mean im not opposed to that
Z: good im already pulling one out of my closet
L: coming over rn
Z: wait till tomorrow you CREEP
L: this is harassment
L: harassment

By the next day, Link's heart was rattling off an extravagant drum solo.
First of all, Triforce, destiny, evil, etc. etc.
Secondly, cute sweater.
Zelda was really sweet from the sparse conversations that they'd been able to have together so far, too.

Arriving in front of her house (On foot— the bike still hadn't turned up, and Link didn't see himself taking the bus again anytime soon), Link stared up at the near-mansion-sized home. "Goddesses, it is gigantic." Link thought, pushing onward towards the front door. Activating the doorbell, a faint and simple melody played loudly enough to be heard through the door.

The door flung open and before Link could register the interior he was pulled through the doorway and up a staircase.
Flying into a room before hitting the wall with a crash, Link looked about dizzyingly. That was.. a ride.
"Sorry, I'm not much for greetings— good to see you again Link!!" Zelda smiled, seemingly unfazed by the suddenness of  their third meeting. Not that the first two weren't sudden. One on an exploding bus and one in a hospital. Not exactly relationship starters. Not to say that they were on the road to a relationship- gah, whatever. Link snapped back into reality to see Zelda digging through a few shopping bags in the corner. The room was cute and pink, matching the only clothes Link had seen her in thus far. Pressed flowers covered certain areas of the wall, the others decorated with ornate designs and canvas paintings. Link's view of the room came to a sudden halt, becoming a thick dark green. After a few dazed seconds, the sweater fell off of Link's face. "I looked around my closet and dint find anything that would look good on you, so I headed out shopping. Green would look good on you, don't you think?"

Link looked at the sweater, studied it, and for one reason.
It was a women's sweater.
It was a women's sweater.

Zelda bought her a women's sweater, and didn't even comment on it

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Zelda bought her a women's sweater, and didn't even comment on it.
As if she could wear this and it would be absolutely normal.
And now Link was referring to herself as a her.
And she couldn't stop.
It was as if the handles of a faucet had been pulled, spilling out water that had been trapped in the pipes for ages.
She was a girl.
She wasn't Link.

"What do you think? I thought it was cute-"
"I'm a girl." She blurted.
Zelda halted, taken off guard.
"I-I'm a transgender girl. I'm not-I'm not Link. I don't want to be Link. I'm not a boy."
Zelda stood in place, still thinking.
"I... I'm sorry." She lowered her head, closing her eyes.
"Hey..." Zelda murmured, lifting her head with her first two fingers.
Tears were pouring down her face. Zelda wiped them off of her left cheek.
"It'll be okay. It'll be okay.. Lynn? Does that work?
Lynn nodded, sniffling a bit and smiling.
Zelda smiled, wiping away Lynn's tears again.
"How about we talk about all this destiny garbage later? I say we have a makeover and go out shopping for more clothes for you."
Lynn didn't stop crying for a long while, but at the same time found herself happier than she'd ever been before.

A u t h o r 's   N o t e
IM SORRY I DIDNT USE LINKLE AS HER NAME it just sounds so silly.........

courage - a trans girl link ficWhere stories live. Discover now