• 6 - soul •

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Lynn had her eyes closed, Zelda putting makeup on her face gently to prepare for their night out.
She had on the green sweater and a cute skirt. A skirt! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
"You don't have a lot of hair, which is an issue," Zelda said in a reassuring mutter, sweeping Lynn's bangs to the side. "I think it'll pass if you just put on a beanie, make it seem like it's all bundled up inside. I've got a knit green one somewhere in my closet."
She moved on to the eyes, applying a bit of eye shadow and eyeliner.
Lynn fidgeted a bit with her hands.
"Why did you get me a girl's sweater?" She asked, feeling Zelda pause.
"It's not like I'm upset or anything, obviously, I just wanted to know how you.. How you saw through me, kinda?"
Lynn opened her eyes, looking into Zelda's.
"I've been hiding for so long, but just through that you just split right through me."
Zelda thought before responding.
"I thought it suited you better. I wasn't specifically thinking, like, "I'm gonna buy Li-uh, Lynn a girl's sweater", I just thought it would look the best on you. You've got a very cute figure." Zelda smiled and put her hand on Lynn's chest. "I'm not saying that to flatter you either! You legitimately have a figure like an athletic girl. You've got the hips and everything." Lynn smiled- "Have you been staring at my hips a lot?" Zelda's cheeks flushed as she laughed nervously. "Freakin'.. Close your eyes and let me finish your makeup girl- goddesses you're stretching this out, are you sure you aren't just coming up with excuses to have me close to your face?"

"...okay, open up your eyes!"
Zelda stood to the side and let Lynn have a clear view of the mirror.
Opening her eyes, Lynn gasped.
There was a girl in the mirror.
And it wasn't Zelda.
Of course, like she had said, the hair was a bit short, but..
Zelda was apparently really good at makeup, because looking back at Lynn in the mirror was an entirely new girl.
A girl with beautiful contour and really cute eyebrows.

In a flash of emotion, Lynn sprang up and hugged Zelda tightly-
Unfortunately, Lynn was maybe too emotional, as she tackled Zelda to the ground.
"SHIT, LYNN!" She wheezed, pushing her off.
"Just don't start crying, please. I spent a century doing your makeup, It'll be really upsetting if you messed it all up before we even got out." Zelda smiled, stumbling back to her feet.
Lynn followed suit, following her back to her room. "Sorry! I just.. Y'know? It's hard to express. It's like I saw the me that was on the inside all along."
"We're not done yet, Lynn- Don't forget the beanie. Also boobs."
Lynn froze, blushing more than she thought was even possible. "B-what??"
Zelda burst into laughter, nearly collapsing onto the floor again, "False boobs! You know, a stuffed bra or whatever."
She smiled flirtily, grabbing a (fittingly) green bra from her closet. "We're gonna use balloons filled with birdseed. They look and feel more realistic— I had a trans cousin, and she helped me learn this stuff while I was trying to help her out." She dug around in a few drawers by her desk before finding a dusty pair of filled balloons. "She left them here a year ago or so when she moved away."

"Lift up your sweater and shirt for a sec- be careful with the makeup too."
Still blushing, Lynn revealed her bare chest as Zelda went to her back and clasped the bra shut around her and slipped in the balloons. Pulling back down her sweater over the now protruding chest, Zelda slipped the beanie down over Lynn's head.

Lynn had to try her hardest to keep from crying and smearing her makeup.
She finally was able to look at herself and like what she saw.
This time, her enthusiastic hug was reciprocated and didn't topple Zelda.

"Let's get going then, huh?"
Zelda smiled and jingled her keys.

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