• 3 - conflict •

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Link slipped back into consciousness about a minute later. He was laying on the coarse road, flames and bus wreckage surrounding him. He loosely put out a hand to lift himself up, but ended up falling back to the ground again with a dizzying thud.
"The hand was still glowing."
Link thought, reaching out in an attempt to stand once more.
Reaching a shaky balance, knees to the road, Link looked around.
Bodies lie everywhere.
The other bus patrons lie scattered along the ground, obscured only by the thick grey smoke.
They all looked injured at the very least.
Feeling a wetness on his cheek, he touched it lightly and pulled away with a copious amount of blood.
With a only long and deep cut along his left cheek and intense bruising, Link should consider himself lucky.
Looking around once more, he noticed that Zelda wasn't anywhere in sight.
Where was she?
What happened after the.. triangle thing?
Also, what the shit was that?
Weird glowy triangles appearing on the backs of hands of two strangers, one stranger knows what it is, the bus fucking explodes.
Link pulled himself to his feet as the smoke began to clear to reveal a silhouetted figure.
And then a second figure kneeling before the first figure.
A triangle began to glow intensely on the hand of the second figure
The first figure was holding a gun to her head.
Link grasped at his feet, finding a steel bar within the wrecked remnants of the bus.
There was no time to waste.
Link surged forwards, swinging his bar at the gunman's hand in a swift, fluid motion— just fast enough to discharge the figure's shot into the air.
Now close enough to observe the figure, Link observed his dark skin, his blazing and thick red hair, and most strikingly, his yellow eyes.
"Ah..." the figure muttered, his voice a thick baritone.
The figure studied Link, staring first at his pointed ears. Then at his unruly dirty blond hair. Finally, at his sky blue eyes.
"Link Smith?" The figure smiled coyly.
Link faltered slightly.
"In all honesty, I thought I killed you already. That would explain how the triforce evaded me for so long. Not very subtle by the way— this little lady and you sitting together? The Triforce energy the both of you were putting off was exponential, and so easily trackable too." The figure continued to stare, his eyes piercing through every fiber of Link's being. "My name is Ganondorf Dragmire. If I don't kill you now, assume that you will see me again."
In a kicking motion, Ganondorf swept the steel bar out of Link's hands. As it clattered to his side, Link felt dread rise from within as a gun was leveled against him.
"You have your mother's eyes, by the way."
A deafening shot rang out as a bullet ripped through Link's body.

The last things Link remembered before blacking out were a police siren, Ganondorf disappearing into the shadows, and Zelda's voice calling his name.

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