2p Italy x reader

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It was Friday evening at the 2p Vargas home when suddenly a portal opened in their kitchen and Y/N stepped through. "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Hollered Luciano from upstairs. Flavio didn't respond and strolled out the door, fleeing from the scene. "Luciano?" You spoke loudly and proudly. He tripped down the steps melodramatically. "I'll be expecting you in the next 10 minutes!" He growled and glided back up the stairs. You sighed, and then made the risky decision to tip toe upstairs out of curiosity. You had never been up there, because whenever you were visiting Flavio was home and had private things hung up all in the halls up there apparently. Then, just before you made the grave error of letting yourself come into Luciano's range of sight, you noticed the open door right in front of your face that you probably should have noticed before.

Peering in, you let your gaze fall on the shirtless Italian sitting on his bed, combing his silky locks of hair. Suddenly, his gaze shot up to stare at you, "Y/N just can't get enough of THIS, right?" He snickered and pointed at himself. Caught off guard, you reeled back from the doorway and tumbled down the steps. Gasping and trying to pull yourself together, you grasped the slender, but soft, hand above you. "Sorry... I, um," you stumbled over your words as you looked up and right into bright magenta eyes. He winked, and his eyes twinkled. You noticed he still didn't have a shirt on. Or pants for that matter. Actually, he didn't have any clothes on. "Hella," you said as realized this incredible and glorious fact.

"Hella is right!" Chuckled Luciano, "And you're about to be saying that a lot as I impress you in bed~" "But what about the business meeting you wanted to hold on the important occasion that Kuro won't stop using videos of you sleep talking to black mail you into paying up for something you didn't even buy?" I asked innocently. "Oh, well I guess we can do that tomorrow. Make it official and sign this paper with this fountain pen in this lavender scented ink that Flavio bought last week and replaced all the ink in the house with because he didn't like the way that it smelled inky." And so, you gladly took the standard fountain pen, dipped in the lavender ink, and signed the yellowed sheet of paper. Then you handed the pen to Luciano and he signed it too.

You clapped your hands together excitedly, "Is it time?!" "Oo, the virgin is excited~" he murmured. You paused, "who said I was a virgin?" He looked at you again, his eyes narrowed, "So, what have you been up to? Sexually?" You laughed, "Well, uh, that's a long story?? To be more precise, it's a long 5 one-shots," you finished awkwardly.

After swinging back a couple bottles of citrus liquor, Luciano drunkenly carried you up the steps and flopped you down onto the bed."Y/N, this is gonna be more kinky than any other experience you've had before!" He said as he proceeded to tie your wrists together and spread your legs farther apart than the Pacific Ocean from the East coast of Japan to the West coast of California.

"I haven't even touched you yet, why are you getting so moist?" Muttered the naked Italian. He pushed your pants down to your knees and unbuttoned your shirt. Unfortunately, you forgot that you had decided to wear a bright pink *cough, cough* NAME BRAND sports bra today and released that it was slightly unflattering, especially because of the wet noodle stain.

But either Luciano didn't notice or didn't care, because he pulled it off in the blink of an eye and began to kiss and bite your chest, making you growl in pain and cry a little. He laughed huskily in response and yanked your panties the rest of the way down. Then, through your tears, you saw him reach under a pillow and pull out a small, but sharp looking knife. Then he leaned over your body, making you consciously aware of the lump of fear rising in your throat.

You weren't ready. He just dived in, no words or nothing, you became blinded in a mixture of pain and pleasure, feeling the knife make little, actually rather insignificant cuts on your thighs, a new addition to the existing stretch mark and bump collection.

"All part of a balanced breakfast!" -Author ...lol

And in that oddly heightened pain, you felt pleasure in the thrusting, that got increasingly faster and... more desperate, perhaps?
You could hear his huffing and heavy breathing next to your face. And then, when it started to become time, he pulled out and smacked you weakly on the knee. Both of you came, him first obviously, and once he cut your wrists free you fingered yourself a little more to reach a nice climax.

-Very short time skip-

After  a while of laying around on a slightly moist bed, you both realized how gross the situation was in reality and got up to take a shower

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After  a while of laying around on a slightly moist bed, you both realized how gross the situation was in reality and got up to take a shower. "Luci, you have any ...grApes... NO I MEAN bandages?"
"Si.... um I think they may be in my nightstand, go check." You began to walk over to the cute bedside table. "Actually (y/n), could you also bring me a comb while you're over there?" You continued walking to the nightstand.

Then, just before you got there, you heard a sharp, but well practiced knock on the door. "It's Flavio! May I come in?~" "No." said Luciano, loudly but abruptly, from the bathroom. "Well that's just too bad, I'm coming in anyway!~" you gasped, mid-reach for the nightstand handle, and froze in place. Flavio opened the door as promised, and stepped in. He glanced at you and raised his eyebrows. "Nice panties..." he said, "they look really wet on you."

-End of part-
"Well I had a nice dandy time writing this one, though it was very delayed because whenever I got on Wattpad I immediate started reading the comments and laughing hysterically so I couldn't bring myself to work on this while laughing. If you've read this far though, any suggestions for who I should do next?" -Author, probably tearing up from laughing at midnight.

Citrus scented Hetalia x reader LemOnsWhere stories live. Discover now