Prussia x reader

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(Author comments in separated parentheses)

It was a clear-skied midnight, and you were staying over with Gilbert while his younger brother was away trying to attend to poor Feliciano and his issues. It's not that you couldn't stay over at his house normally, you just felt like now would be the best time since no one else was around. You know, so you two could be awesome together without annoying Ludwig.

"Hey! Y/N! Do you want some coffee made by the awesome me in mein awesome coffee maker?" (AKA the coffee maker he stole from Ludwig at the wrong time and hid away in his awesome stash) You grinned from ear to ear, "OF COURSE I DO!" You yelled to him from the living room.

You flipped through Netflix while he made some (insert coffee preference here) for you, but, like always, you discovered they had deleted some of your favorite shows just so that they had more room to put Netflix Originals on there. Not that the Net. Originals aren't good, you were just mildly disappointed that you couldn't continue your series. So, you turned off the tv and hopped off the couch. Yawning, you went outside and flopped down on the side of the front porch, your legs dangling off. While you were gazing at the nearby town, you heard the screen door clack open and Gilbert flopped down far more awesomely next to you, nearly spilling your coffee. He handed you the piping hot mug gently, but quickly, and leaned against you.

"Y'know, the stars sure are beautiful tonight,
Y/N," he whispered huskily. You nodded in agreement as you sipped your coffee. "But you know what's even more beautiful?" You shrugged. "Me!" He laughed and nudged you. You spit out your drink, not because you were surprised, but because the coffee was hot, too hot, and you weren't ready. Then, after you composed yourself again, you turned to look up at Gilbert with the biggest puppy eyes you could muster. "But am I beautiful too, Gil?" He looked you over, playfully scrutinizing you, then suddenly leaned in and kissed the top of your lips before backing away and laughing, leaving you in a momentary shock. When he calmed down, he said, "I would say you're beautiful, (y/n)..." Sighing, you leaned back as far as your grounded hands would hold you, and made a soft growling noise.

(It's time to provoke our awesome boi.)

"Giiiiiiillll!" You whined the most sexual sounding whine you were capable of. His eyes widened, this was something you had done before and he knew what you wanted. "Are you really in zhe mood right now?!" He exclaimed. You leaned against him and buried your face in his shoulder, groaning. He sighed an awesome sigh and picked you up in his arms. "To bed then, (y/n), or would you prefer somewhere more awesome?" He asked, carrying you inside and pausing inside the hastily put together entrance room.

"What about the attic? Isn't there an old sofa in there?" You suggested, not really caring about the location but also wanting to avoid totally boring intercourse. Gilbert looked at you weirdly, then smiled a small, mischievous smile and carried you quickly down the hall and up the stairs before putting you down and guiding you through a small, hidden door that lead to the attic that you only knew was there because Ludwig had gone up there to get an old replacement coffee machine after Gilbert stole the new one and hid it away somewhere. Then, he flipped on a light, and you saw a small spare room filled with perfectly neatened old furniture and weathered wooden boxes. You stumbled across the room and plopped onto a beaten sofa that surprisingly wasn't dusty, then proceeded to whistle and pull off your shirt. Gilbert turned to look at you at the sound, then practically ripped off his shirt before leaping across the room and atop the cushioned piece of furniture. Laughing huskily, you unfastened your bra and threw it across the room so hard that it hit a box and bounced back, landing in suspicious liquid in the corner.

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