Melly did it again.

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Editing....In process.

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In case you have any kind of question anywhere in the novel, you can directly go to the Q/A Page at the end of the novel and get it answered.

Enjoy reading.
Becky's appearance is in the media. 

I was hovering in the library when I heard Melly calling from the door.

"Hey! Are you coming?" she shouted.
Everyone in the library turned their faces towards her.

The librarian gave her an ugly look.
She pressed her tongue between her teeth and whispered "What are you doing? Come here" even louder.

When I had no choice, I kept the book back at its place and went to her.

"I was coming, there wasn't any need to shout." I said.

"Blah listen to me" she said.

"What?" I said.

"Last night Rowan and I had sex." her smile widened.

"What? seriously?" I asked.

"Yep" she said.

"Oh God when will you give a brain to this idiot?" I said looking up.

"Hey! It was fun. Now aren't you going to ask me how was it?" she said.

"No." I made a poker face.

"Come on, you are the only person with whom I share all this." she said looking disappointed.

"Hey! He proposed you a week ago and how many times have you slept with him since then?" I asked.

"Four times I guess" she said.

"Four times in seven days, what a ratio?" I said with a little sarcasm.

"Becky when you see a naked man staring at you, with a seductive grin, the scene is totally something else. You don't know how it feels to melt into someone's arms." she said.

"Whatever" I said as we entered the mess hall.

We took our lunch and sat on the table.

"Maybe you should find a guy for yourself. You want love." she said eating her burger.

"No, I am fine" I said raising a hand.

"You are Eighteen and perhaps the only girl virgin of our batch." she said.

"So what? I am proud to be a virgin." I said.

"How about you start dating Derek? I have seen you secretly watching him" she smiled.

"No way, he doesn't even know who I am?" I blushed.

I haven't told her that I have had a crush on him for the past few months. He was our soccer team's captain.

"But it is never too late to try. Who knows that you might be the love of his life and the vice versa." she said.

"Nope, for him I am dust sitting on this table and you know that very well." I said.

"If I am going to do it for you, why cant you do it? Are you afraid or are you a lesbi..."
I cut her off "Are you challenging me?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yes, I am challenging you Becky Walden." she did the same.

"Then fine, I'll do anything to go on a date with him. And when he will walk away, then I will show you how wrong you were." I said.

"We will see to it" she said.

Then we walked to our class and took our respective places.

Till the time the teacher entered and started teaching, I thought how different Melly and I were.

She was slim and stylish and always wore short clothes.

Whereas I was neither thin, nor fat. I had a flat belly, no figure at all. I never applied make up except for the eye liner. And I was always seen wearing full length jeans and baggy t shirts.

She wasn't afraid of throwing her clothes off in front of hot guys.

Whereas even the thought of getting naked in front of a guy send chills down my back.

Now Mrs Cumber started teaching and I tried to bring my mind back from the thoughts.

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