The MAP Incident

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This was it - the moment Annabelle had been waiting for since 5 minutes after she had been born. She looked to her right, where Lola gripped onto an elbow hair, and to the left, where Jake the man-boy-man was washing his face with orange juice.

Yes, this was what she imagined all those years ago. It wasn't just deja vu - Annabelle actually saw into the future.

"Well Ms Blonde," the man-boy-man exhaled, "What do we do now?" Annabelle turned to pat his chest, where she thought it would've felt like a soft pillow, but really it was like concrete beneath her knuckles. Annabelle's eyebrows rose to the back of her head.

Her hand zoomed down to the hem of his shirt and tried to lift it up tot he concrete. They could use the man-boy-man's concrete source to take out the Madman, Annabelle thought, but before she could look past tanned stomach skin, her whole body was being pushed out of the way, and she was being swatted like a blonde berry.

"Whoa... what are you doing? Is this a part of your plan? Do I have to get naked? Are we doing this right now? What's happening?" he muttered and Annabelle just watched him turn into a tomato. She could squeeze him right now, and maybe the blood that comes out.... would be ketchup...

Then, the man-boy-man leaned in close to Annabelle, breathing in the sunshine that screamed off her and he touched her hair, "What do you want, Anna?"

Annabelle jumped. "MY! NAME! IS! NOT! ANNA!"

Lola ran in and pushed Annabelle back. "Now, now Annabelle, we don't want to scare the boy do we?" Annabelle furiously shook her yellow sun rays, because she believed she was the sun. Her pale finger raised to the man-boy-man's face, "He is not a boy. He is a man-boy-man."

"Right." Lola says.

"Right." Jake says.

"Left." Annabelle says.

"What?" Lola furrowed her eyebrows and cried for Annabelle.

"Left," Annabelle repeated, pointing her finger to the left, "We need to go left. It says here on this... M...A...P." She spelled out. Jake snatched the map out of her hand from up there.

"Where did you get this M...A...P?"

"From my backpack?"

They all turned to peek at the backpack on Annabelle's foot. "...Where did you get that backpack?" Lola asked and Annabelle shrugged. Jake screamed.

"I don't think we should follow this M...A...P." he spelled out. "M...A...P." he spelled out again, groaning out in anger. "M...A- OH MY GOD!" No matter how hard he tried he could not say the word.

"I can't - I just can't say it, somebody take me out of my misery!" he shouts and Annabelle returns with a machete, ready to kill. "You asked for this, man-boy-man." The tip of the metal pushed into his concrete chest, which Annabelle was so desperate to see, but instead of seeing Annabelle's dream ketchup, the machete bent in front of their eyes.

That was it.

The machete dropped to the floor in slow motion, making a clang on the floor as Annabelle joined its fate. Her kneed gave up ont he rest of her structure, and she fell to the ground, screaming with pain.

The next minute, was the funeral.

Annabelle, Lola and Jake attended. No one else. Nothing else.

The blonde stepped forward and placed the bent machete into the soil, crying like a gorilla as she did so. Never had she had a worse moment in her 6 past lives. Lola placed a reassuring palm on her best friend's back, also placing a silver flower upon the grave. Jake sat in silence. He knew it was his fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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