Everyone Needs Upgrades

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-At the garage-
I took them to the garage and scanned all of them. "The neurotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, and he can't control the Wisp. Game over." I explained. But they all showed me their experiments that they've been working on, which kinda impressive.

But after making their suits, I've finished making Amy's first. Hers was a pink with red suit. It looks like a dress but it also came with matching boots. And I know how much she loved mixing up chemicals, so I've made a purse with the periodic table on it. All she had to do is dial the chemicals she wants to mix and it comes out as a small rubber-like ball. We used Silver's butler as the man in the mask. He puts on a mask as Amy then tossed the ball at his feet and it created some spongy chemical around him. She quickly walked up to the butler and took off the mask.

Then, I finished making Blaze's suit. It was a purple and blue suit with a matching helmet. But she also has skates for shoes. As I finally helped her up, I told her that if she goes faster, fire would come out of her skates! And it was pretty awesome with her speed. We tested with the butler again. Blaze then sprint into action, she started circling around him as she then found a garden hose and wrapped it around him. She then came back to me with a trial of fire behind her and with the mask.

Then, I finally finished Silver's, it was pretty difficult, since he has telekinesis. It was dark grey suit. ((Likes from the Archie Comics)) But I've made a suit to also have a protection shield and that it glows whenever he uses his power. But I didn't made a helmet, but he does have goggles. He then looked at the butler and started to float, he got closer, lifting the butler up
and concentrated. He finally got the mask and handed it to me.

As for Knuckles, it was pretty difficult, but I've managed to make his suit with sharp spikes, like his fists. It was a red suit with blue on it with goggles as well. How he active the fists, he only has to clench his fists. As he did, he saw two metallic fists over his hands. He looked at me as I pointed at the butler. The butler then turned on a tennis ball thrower machine and Knuckles started punching, causing the balls to bounce back at the butler. He then reached up to the machine and smashed it with one punch. He then opened his fist and took off the mask as he then handed it to me.


"I love it!"

"Not bad."

"Anybody else's suit riding up on them?"

I then ran up to the gang with my suit on. It was a yellow with (f/c) and a matching helmet, "Hey, guys! Check this out." I said as they followed me. They looked in awe, seeing (Y/n). She also had a suit. It was (f/c) with yellow with a matching helmet. "I'd like to introduce, (Y/n) 2.0."

Then Silver sniffed and smiled, "She's glorious." (Y/n) then smiled and waved, "Hi." But then, she got distracted by a butterfly and started following it. But I then stopped her, "Hey, wait! Focus. Show 'em what you got, (N/n)." I said, making her glare at me with the nickname I've given her. But I shrugged it off and whispered, "The fist, show them the fist." She then got in her fist position and blinked and randomly said, "Ba-da-la-la-la-la." I chuckled nervously as I blushed in embarrassment, "No, not that. The thing, the other thing." I whispered to her. She then concentrated as her fiat started to fire up and it punched a statue in one second, without moving a muscle.


"Rocket fist make Silvy so happy!" Giggled Silver as he grabbed Knuckles and Blaze's arms. "That's just one of her new upgrades! (Y/n), wings." And with that command, her back popped out two angel-like wings. "No way!" Said Blaze. I then climbed onto (Y/n)'s back, with magnets on her. I was blushing that time and I just hope no one saw me. "Thrusters." I commanded as she started to float, "Yeah, I don't get it on how flying makes me a better healthcare companion." She said as she looked at me. I only smirked and replied, "I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome! Full thrust." I command as she then dropped to the ground, but then her shoes went into full thrust, causing us to slide on the grass. But then, we got the hang of it started flying around the city.

I continued to scream as we almost crashed or something. I chuckled as he made it to the sky, "Look, let's just take this slow." We then saw that we were about to crash into a statue. I started telling her to avoid it, but I saw her smirk and went up as we were about to crash it. We then flew to the Golden Bridge. We were about to crash into cars as I commanded her to thrust up. But then, she went higher. "Too much thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust!" I screamed as we made it to the top, but we missed.

I continued to scream as I shouted, "Back on! Back on! On! On! On!" And with that she then she went fast, though and dodging cars. "Go up! Up, up, up!" But we finally landed on one of the poles from the bridge. "Oh, man!" I laughed as she looked at me, "Maybe that's enough flying for today. What do you say?" I asked, smiling. She smiled happily at me and replied, "Well, your neurotransmitter levels are rising very well!" I blinked and raised an eyebrow at her, "Which means what?" She then looks straight, "Which means, it's working."

And with that, she opened her arms and leaned backwards. I felt it falling on me, I looked down and saw the sea. Then the next thing I knew, that we were falling, I then screamed and screamed, "No, no, no, no!! Whoa, (Y/n)!" And with that, I shut my eyes tight and waited for an impact. But I opened my eyes and saw that we were flying above the water. I smiled as we both started taking a fly around the city. It was beautiful! I was enjoying the scenery up here.

Then we both sat on top of the highest skyscraper. We both enjoyed the view of the whole city. It was pretty quiet, but I've decided to speak first, "Wow! That was-" "Sick." Finished (Y/n), I looked at her as she giggled, "It's just an expression." I chuckled and nodded, "That's right, (N/n). I am never taking the bus again." I joked as I scooted closer to her, blushing. But then, she looked at me and said, "So... Your emotional state is all better now... I can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your care." She said, still keeping her smile. "What? No, I don't want you to deactivate. We still have to find that guy. So, fire up that super-sensor." I said, feeling sad, annoyed, upset. Of loosing her too.

But she nodded and stood up. "Functionality improved. 1000% increase in range. Found a match, it's on that island." She said, pointing at an island.

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