Who He Really Was

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Then, I got everyone as well all rode on (Y/n), except for Silver and Knuckles, they could fly. Amy was with me on (Y/n)'s back. As she was holding Blaze in bridal style. "Amazing view." Said Amy, nodded. "Yeah. If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd probably love this. But I'm terrified of heights, so I don't love it." Said Blaze, hugging (Y/n) tightly.

I continued to look around as I finally spotted the island, "There. (Y/n), take us in." She nodded and landed on the ground as Amy got off and Blaze got on her feet and so did Knuckles. But Silver continued flying but Blaze pulled him down by his leg. "This is so cool! Our first landing together as a team." He said.

I did notice that (Y/n) and Amy rolled their eyes playfully at him. "Come on." I said, whispering, just in case the guy tries attacking us. We all started to walk as Knuckles then pointed at a sign, "'Quarantine'? Uh, do you people know what 'quarantine' means?" "Quarantine means enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease, or sometimes, death." Explained (Y/n).

"Oh! There's a skull face on this one. A skull face!" Whispered-shouted Knuckles, pointing at another sign as we continued to walk. "Be ready. He could be anywhere." I whispered as we then heard some rustling. We all panicked and used our weapons as we screamed. We then stopped and looked down in front of us and saw a bird, it was pretty terrified as it flew away. "Huh. It was a bird." "Well, at least we know our gear works." Chuckled Amy with a smile.

Then, Knuckles used his fists to punch the metal door. It eventually opened as I asked (Y/n), "Any sign of him, (Y/n)?" But I saw her squinting her eyes as she groaned and replied, "This place is messing with my sensor. Sorry." She said. "Perfect. The robot's broken." Said Knuckles. "Uh, guys, you might want to see this." Said the pink hedgehog as she opened a door. We all followed her, seeing a big room of destroyed machine parts. "What do you think, Tails?" Asked Blaze, crossing her arms. I looked around, stammering, "I-I'm not sure. B-but look." I said as I found a huge screened computer with multiple angles on what happened before.

But we then saw a recording of what happened back then. We saw Baker, with the government. It looked like he we talking about something. But as we rewind the video, we stopped as he started explaining his plan. And there were two large portals.

"That's right. We were asked to do the impossible. That's what we did. We've reinvented the very concept of transportation. Friends, I present Project Silent Sparrow." Explained Baker in the video.

Then, we saw him taking his hat off as he threw it in the portal as it then came out of the other one. "Teleportation." He said, "The transport of matter instantaneously through space. Not science fiction anymore. Ladies and gentlemen, you're here to witness history. Ready to go for a ride, Maria?" He asked as another video clip showed a blonde human girl.

She sat in a ship as she replied, "We've invited all these people. Might as well give 'em a show."

Then, it started counting down. But then, a guy that was working there said, "Sir, we've picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment field." Baker then walked up to the monitor as one of the government asked, "Mr. Baker, is there a problem?" But he replied, "No. No problem. It's well within the parameters. Let's move forward." He commanded as the small ship started to move in closely to the portal. But then, as it entered, the video showed that the lights were turning red, "Field breach! Abort! We've lost all contact with the pod." They said.

"Oh, no." Whimpered (Y/n).

"It's breaking up!" They shouted in the video. Then, the government then shouted, "Baker, shut it down now!" "I want this island sealed off!" Shouted the captain as I stopped the video.

"The government shut down Baker's experiment. And he's using my Mini-Wisp to steal his machine back. Baker's the guy in the mask." I said, looking down. Then I heard (Y/n) muttering, "Oh no..." We all turned around to see a huge part of the machine flying towards us. But as we all embraced for impact, (Y/n) and Knuckles caught it in time.

"Guys, get us out of here." I said to the red echidna and the (f/c) (y/a). "Go for the transmitter. Behind his mask." I commanded to others. Then a huge wave of Mini-Wisp smashed (Y/n) into a wall. "(Y/n)!" I cried out as the others asked each other. "All right, what's the plan?" Grunted Knuckles as Silver smirked and cracked his knuckles, "It's my time." He said as he flew up to him, trying to get the mask, but for "Baker", he was like a fly, trying to run around from him. "Seriously, what is the plan?" Cried Knuckles, feeling frustrated.

"Get the mask." Stated Blaze, preparing her flames.

Then, Blaze and Amy ran to the guy as they failed a few times. Then, Knuckles came up to him, shouting, "Hey!" But ad the guy turned to him, I thought I saw all the color drain from him. Some tough guy -_-.

"Y-you wanna dance, masked man? Huh? 'Cause you'll be dancing with these bad boys." He stated, holding up his fists. "Hand over the mask, or you'll get a taste of this! And a lil' bit of that!" He chuckled as the guy suddenly attacked him, but he managed to punch the Mini-Wisps. "Wow! Is that all ya got?" He asked, with a victory pose, but he then realized that some were crawling up his legs, "Oh. You got that, too?" He asked, chuckling nervously.

But then, he threw Knuckles against the girls, and then at Silver. I watched my teammates on the ground. Then, the guy formed a giant fist over them. We quickly got in action as he flew around him, but I then jumped onto him, causing him to loose his concentration. But luckily, the Mini-Wisp felled on them, without any harm.

But me and "Baker" were rolling on the ground, and down a staircase. Then, his mask felled off. I noticed this and quickly grabbed the mask. "It's over, Baker." I said, furrowing my eyebrows and stood up. But as the man stood up, he turned and it was... Dr. Robotnik?!

"D-Dr. Robotnik?" I stuttered, feeling speechless and confused, "B-but... The explosion... You died." I said as Robotnik replied, "No. I had your Wisp." He replied. I stared at the ground for a moment, remembering, "But, Sonic. You just let him die." I choked out.

"Give me the mask, Miles." Said Robotnik, holding out his hand.

"But he went in there to save you!" I growled, gritting my teeth.

"That was HIS mistake!" He screamed.

This made my heart shatter. Sonic was like the only brother I'd ever had. But then, this made me boil of anger inside. I heard (Y/n) landing behind me as I demanded, "(Y/n), destroy." She gasped as she replied, "I'm sorry, Tails. But I'm not made for that." She said, crossing her arms. I growled as I then made her to turn her back, "Not anymore." I could here her, demanding me to stop, but I then took out her health chip and tossed it aside. "Miles! This isn't what-"

I then closed her chip holder as he turned with her (e/c) eyes into a red bright color. "Do it, (Y/n)! Destroy him!" I demanded, pointing at him. (Y/n) kept a straight face as she then started to attack him with her rocket fists.

During this, Robotnik kept running away from her, but the others tried stopping her. Instead, she kept shoving them out of her way.  But as Robotnik was about to escape with the mask again. I noticed that (Y/n) stopped. I looked behind and saw Amy, covering her hand over the chip holder, guessing that she put it back in. (Y/n) blinked a few times, as her (e/c) eyes went back to normal. She looked around her and help the others that were on the ground. But they all stared at her, seeing the other side of her.

Then then bowed a few times before replying, "I'm deeply sorry for everything I've done. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." She said, cupping her hands. "How could you do that? I had him!" I shouted, getting into their faces with tears streaming down my face. "What you just did, we never signed up for." Said Knuckles, softly. "We said we'd catch the guy. That's it." Said Blaze, sternly.

"I never should have let you help me!" I cried, climbing onto (Y/n)'s back. "(Y/n). Find Robotnik." I demanded as she replied, "Sorry, Tails. But my helmet's acting up." I sighed and demanded, "Wings." "Tails, this isn't part of the plan." Said Silver, putting his hands up in defence. "Fly!" I then saw (Y/n) frowning at the gang, whimpering, "I'm sorry..." And with that, she flew away with me.


We Can Be Way More (Big Hero 6 Parody: Tails X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now