Blue hair

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Izana sighs as the carriage hits a bump in the road. The road is ruff but the feilds are amazing and that ocean!
Your magisty welcome to our small village please feel free to walk around and enjoy yourself I'm am the leader of takana dont ask me I have no idea how to say that
Thank you I think I will walk around for a bit!
As Izana walk around the small village the sun has just about set when he comes to the port he looks out across the sea! Out of the corner of his eye he sees long blue hair flowing in the wind and hears a soft humming when the girl turns and says sorry I didn't realize any one was here I was just leaving anyway!
What please don't go can I ask what you were singing?
Oh just a song my mother used to sing to me! Why are my cheeks so red I can be blushing!
What's your name?
Is that all?
Yes just Ann what's your?
Izana wistaria
Izana it's nice to meet you!
Did she use my first name she must not know I'm a prince.
Good night Izana I have to go I hope to
see you again!
Yes it would be nice to see you again.
Later after Izana had a meeting with the leader
Good night your highness
Yes thank you for seeing me!
It was a pleasure
Can I ask you where the blue hair girl lives?
Yes but how did you know about her?
I meet her today
She lives up on the hill!
Thank you good night
Good night your highness

Po what are you doing I'm reading
Woof woof
No boy I finished my book let's go to town and get another on come on
As Ann and po walk down the road a carriage comes up the road Ann steps out of the way but the carriage stops and out step Izana
Izana what are you doing here?
I was just pass by
Really are you sure
Ok fine I wanted to see you
Your different from most girl you have caught my attention
We're are you going
To the library whanta come
What about your carriage!?
It's fine
When they reach the library Ann pulls out a key and unlocks the door come on in. Izana stops at the door and waits tell Ann get a lantern lit. Come on so many books
Yes my favourite are the fictional ones
What's your favourite book
I don't know I used to love reading fiction but when I turned 10 my parents made me stop and start reading battle strategy book
That's to bad have you ever read love from different worlds it's my favourite
No what is it about
A boy who meet a princess and fall in love but there love is forbidden if you come with me we can read it:) here it is come on
So many books all so different to hu Ann comes up and grabs my wrist dragging me to another room
Come on sit down and we'll read it
After about two hours of reading Ann starts to fall asleep
We should call it a night
Yes im pretty tired do you have a place to stay?
Yes in the hotel just down the street!
I walk you there
That's not necessarily
It's fine I want to walk around town for the last time tonight anyway
Your leaving?
Ya sorta under her breath she whispers more like running away
What was that ?
Nothing let's go it's late.

Hope you guys like this story sorry for any mistakes I suck at spelling and grammar!
Ps I am very busy so update might be slow

Izana and A blue haired girl.         A Snow White with the red hair fanficWhere stories live. Discover now