The Wedding

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This will be the last chapter. I have lost interest in this story and will be moving on. Sorry

Ann's pov
Just a few days ago izana asked me to marry him, we have started the plans for the wedding and we decided that Zen and Shuraukiy will be married at the same time!

No ones pov
Izana? Can I help you?
What can't a prince see his bride to be?
Your right! I'm sorry! Forgive me.

Viewers pov.
Izana walks up behind Ann, Ann asks if she can help him and he replies with a sassy comeback.
She then apologize for what she said.

Izanas : Ann do stop apologizing for everything is quite annoying. I just came to see the love of my life!
Ann: I'm sor... nevermind
Izana; your so cute when your lose your words!
Ann: Izana don't be mean! I'm leaving I need to find Shuraukiy and fugue out our dresses! Good bye!😤
Izana: Ann wait I'm sorry come back!! Forgive me I didn't mean it!

Small time skip because authors is lazy

Readers view
The path that leads to were the couples will stand is rose covered with beautiful light hanging down and a small pond not far of so you can hear the trickle of water as the fountain over flows. Satin lace gentle flows in the light summer breeze. The two princes brothers stand in their uniforms ( so hot they can make any fan girl die) and then you see them... the brides! Dress in silk of the finest Ann's hair is up in a bun her dress is a light mint colour while Shuraukiys hairs is down with a small braid in it her dress is white with a sash of pink.
Zen and Izana almost faint from the beauty that their girls hold.
Izana and Zen can't help but love the two girls they see comeing towards them) as the girls reach there princes a gentle breeze blows through the silent crowd of people no one can speak no one can move even the baby's are Silent.

Princess Ann do you take prince Izana to be your husband your king and your protector?
I do!
Izana do you take Ann to be your wife your queen and your guide as you lead this kingdom?
I do!
Izana do you promise to lead your kingdom with a strong hand and to be your kingdom guide in troubled!
I promise!
Ann do you promise to be there for the king when he needs you?
I promise!

Shuraukiy do you take Zen to be your husband friend and companion?
I do!
Zen do you take Shuraukiy to be your wife friend and to protect her with your life?
I do!
Zen do you promise to help king Izana lead this kingdom as his brother companion and be a guide to him?
I promise.
Shuraukiy do you promise to help queen Ann in being a strong hold for your husbands and to help them rule this kingdom?
I promise!
Then by then power invested in me my the first king of claraness I king Izana as ruler of this kingdom and zen as I his understudy. I queen Ann as queen to king Izana! And Shuraukiy  a princess of clareness!
And I now pronounce you king and queen prince and princess husbands and wives! You may now kiss the bride!
As a wedding gift to Ann from Izana he's gives her the book they read when they first meet... love from different worlds!

                     The end
I'm sad to say this story is done please tell me what you guys have thought!
I know bad place to end it but I'm sorry!

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