Chapter 21.

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Sorry it's been a long ass time since i've updated. Just been going through some thangs but imma try to update more often. Thanks for the support and love. 

                                                                                                                  Now lets get back to it......

Jass P.O.V

 We got to the house i rented for this week and got settled. I wanted to surprise her so i made reservations at this fine Italian restaruant down the street. I scheduled us a boat ride after dinner then the movies. I also get her a car so when we leave im gonna have the car sent back to our house. Speaking of the angel. 

Babe wyd?

Me: Nun babe finna shower so we can go.

Wym go? Where are we going?

Me: Don't worry about it just go get ready.

Jass don't play with me where are we going?

Me: I'm not playing go get ready.

Ugh okay whatever bro.

Haha she mad but she'll get over it. I got ready and waited on heer to come down stairs. She came down 5 minutes later in a  green button down with some light blue skinny jeans and some black Tims. I had on my black button down with some camo pants and black Tims.

Babe where are we going?

Me:  Somewhere just lets go.

Why won't you tell me you know i don't like surprises?

Me: But you'll like this one baby. It's your birthday week stop wwhinning.

Ughhh! Ok lets go before i change my mind.

We got in the car and took off. I soon got  a call from my mom.

Phone Convo....

Wassup mama how you been?

" Good just checking on my babies. Why you ain't call me when y'all got there?"

Mom we just got settled, but i'm taking her somewhere.

" Oh ok well call when y'all get home and tell her that her dad said to call him."

Ok will do ma love you.

" Love you to sweety be careful and treat her right Jasmine." 

I will and don't call me that.

" Yeah yeah bye girl."


End of Convo.......

Babe who was that?

Me: My mom was just checking on us and your dad said to call him.

ight i will but are we almost there?

Me: Yes we are just sit back and relax because your gonna need all your energy.

I like the sound of that.

Me: I bet you do.

We got to restaruant and sat down. She had a look in her eyes that i never seen before. ( A look of sadness and hurt.) I never seen this before but it hurts me to see her look like that. i asked what was wrong and she said that no one has ever did anything like this for her before so it really made her feel special. We talked and laughed while waiting for our drinks. The waiter came back with our drinks. "Ma'am are y'all ready to order?" Umm yes may i have the shrimp and steak with rice. " Ok and for you ma'am?" she said talking to kodie. Yes i would like the Italian salad with extra italian dressing. " Coming right up." She lefted and we started talking again. 

I finished eating and waited on Kodie to finish. Baby you ready to go yet? " Umm yea but where we going after this?" To the movies is that fine with you?  "Yeah its kool."  Ight. We lefted  and went to the movies. She might be a stud be is very sensitive. She wanted to see Moana so thats wat we went to see. 







We got home at like 2 am after the movies and the boat ride. Her face was priceless when she seen the boat. I had everything she liked and more. Now a nigga tired asf. I laid down waiting on her to come get in bed. 

" I love you Jass" she said laying in my chest.

I love you to Kodie. Thanks for coming into my life.

After that sleep took over me.


What should happen next? 

Should i make it to where Jass has a son and she wait til they get back home to tell Kodie?

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