Nightmare || Bucky Barnes

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~ a/n Mase_Barton requested this idk if it's what you had in mind but here you go sweet heart ~

You were woken up by a scream, you were ready to hurt who ever woke you up, until you realised that it was Bucky, he must be having a nightmare. He was thrashing about and yelling out in his sleep, you remembered from previous nightmares that to wake him up you had to sit on his chest and try and calm him down, it didn't always work but it was worth a go. So you sat on him, pinned him down spoke to him in a soothing voice "Bucky sweetheart, it's okay, it's just a nightmare, Bucky wake up. You're okay, it's okay" he bolted up throwing you of his chest onto his lap "Buckybear you're okay, just breath, it's only a dream. I promise it's not real, just breath listen to my voice, deep breaths in and out, in out, that's it sweetie" you say to him whilst hugging him, "do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head and mumbles "not right now" you smile at him and lay him back down, you both get comfortable and start to drift off when Bucky says "I was captured again by hydra and they made me kill everyone, and then watch as they tortured and killed you, it felt so real baby doll, I keep seeing them torturing you, and I just can't have that happen, I don't want to see you hurt" he starts to cry "oh sweetheart it's just a nightmare, me and the rest of the avengers will protect you, hydra will never have you again I promise you that, now how about we cuddle and fall asleep? How does that sound?" He nods against your head "okay doll I love you" "I love you Barnes"

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