Soulmate au || Bucky Barnes

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~ a/n I wrote the first half of this one day a few months ago and I just found it now and finished it.. I love the idea of having soulmate tattoos, I wish it was a real thing.. ~

Where you're born with the first words your souls mate says to you on your wrist... the words on his are 'holy shit, fuck I'm so fucking sorry, shit' and the words on your wrist are 'holy fuck, shit omg, oh fuck me' he runs into you whilst you're on your way to a meeting with a full cup of coffee in your hands, you spill the coffee down both your shirts, you groan out the words "holy shit, fuck I'm so fucking sorry, shit" and you hear the words "holy fuck, shit omg, oh fuck me" you look up at the guy and shyly smile, "I'm uh y/n and I think your my soulmate" you stutter out, he grins nervously at you and says "I'm Bucky. Nice to meet you doll, I guess we're soulmates huh" you blush at the pet name and curse aloud "shit I have a meeting in like 10 minutes, I have got to go Bucky" you give him your number and ask him to call you before running off to your meeting.. after the meeting you check your phone, you have a message from a unknown number "hey doll it's Bucky, your uh soulmate, I hope the meeting went well. Wanna meet up for coffee?" You smile at your phone and reply "I'd love too buck, how about arrows coffee shop in about half an hour? I'll tell you how my meeting went?" You meet Bucky out side arrows and you both order, you get your favourite coffee/tea and Bucky gets a black coffee, you sit at a table and talk about the meeting, about your life, about everything and anything, you tell him about how you've dreamed of meeting your soulmate your whole life and he tells you the same thing "I remember learning how to read and learning the word fuck, I remember asking my mum what it meant and getting hit around the head" he recalls laughing. "I have thought about meeting my soul mate in a thousand of ways but never if the way we met, my friend Steve has the words 'what are you waiting for?' And every time someone would say that to him his heart would leap out of his throats but when he met his soulmate Peggy he just knew instantly that she was the one, it was sickly cute how they met but that's a story for another time perhaps" you smiled at his story, "my friend has the words 'you didn't see that coming?' And when he met his soul mate he nearly died, the kid just ran away leaving him on the battle field, it was great cause coincidentally those were the first words Clint said to Pietro too. They have matching words and it's really cute, they're relationship is awfully awkward" you said, you two talked for a few more hours, before Bucky walked you home and kissed you saying breathlessly "I'll see you soon doll, goodnight" you stood on your doorstep smiling to yourself. You walked into your house and fell asleep on the sofa..

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