When You Get Jealous!

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Armin and Mikasa had been hanging out more and it was driving you crazy. Even though you did feel guilty for feeling jealous, you tried not to be. But, your feelings of guiltiness went out the window when you saw Armin's arm around her waist. Everyone was outside for training, so you just stormed up to the two. "Armin, not to be rude, but can you please remove your arm around off of my Girlfriend's waist?" You tried asking politely. Though Armin didn't seem to hear you, Mikasa did but wanted to see what would happen. "Umm, Armin?" Once again ignored. That's when you flipped tables. "ARMIN!" You shouted glaring at him after getting his attention. "Can you remove your arm off around of my Girlfriends waist?" Armin quickly nodded and walked away, startled by how loud you were. You hooked arms with Mikasa and glared at the direction were Armin walked away. "Your jealous." Mikasa sent you a small smile. "Yes I am but it shows that I care." You replied, kissing her on the cheek.

You were jealous. Annie and Bertholdt had been talking all day, and Annie had not once talked to you or noticed you and it was driving you insane. It was dinner, but you refused to eat. You also sat alone at the back table seeing if Annie would know if you were sitting with her or not, but obviously not because just about five minutes before dinner ended she still hadn't notice. Standing up in complete anger, you stormed to the doors catching a lot of the cadets attention, slamming the doors on your way out, you kept mumbling curses to yourself. "Stupid Annie, Stupid Bertholdt, Stupid EVERYTHING!" You shouted as you stomped down the hallways back to the girl barracks.
Once you got to the barracks you swiftly changed out of your uniform and into your bran and jogging pants. Getting into bed you hid yourself under the covers as tears threatened to spill. "How come she didn't notice me this whole day? Did she forget about me? If that's the case it's not surprising." You mumbled to yourself. The doors' to the barracks opened, signaling someone walked in. You felt the weight shift at the end of the bed and already knew it was Annie. "Y/n? What's gotten into you today?" She asked. "Nothing, just go back to hanging out with Bertholdt." You snapped. Annie sighed. "Is this why your acting up? Because your jealous?" Annie guessed. You huffed. "I'm not jealous! I just care about losing you." You mumbled. Annie lightly took the covers off of you and gave you a hug. "Your not going to lose me. And it's okay to be jealous." Annie said still hugging you. You made eye contact with Annie and returned her hug. "Alright. But please don't ignore me like that for a whole day." Annie gave a small smile. "I promise it won't happen again." You smiled. "Good 'cause your mine only." You joked. "I know, and Your mine only."

Eren and Hanji were getting pretty close because of all the tests she had to run on Eren. Currently the three of you were in Hanji's Office and Hanji was measuring Eren's height and weight, but for one part Eren that you didn't understand Eren had to take his shirt off. Yeah it pissed you off so much. You sat lazily in the chair that was for her desk with a bored expression on your face. "Hanji, maybe you should take a break, you wouldn't want to tire yourself out." You suggested, hoping she would agree. But Hanji disagreed. "No, I can't sorry Y/n, but could you get my clipboard?" She asked. You nodded and handed it to her. "You know what, I'll go see what my dad has to do and see if he needs help." You mumbled. Eren looked at you. "Who's your dad?" He asked. You sighed. "Commander Erwin." You replied. Eren looked at you shocked. "Really? Your the Commander's daughter? Almost Every guy in the Survey Corps has a crush or wants to go out with you." You smiled "Well sorry to them but I'm taken by Miss Titan Addict over here." You motioned towards Hanji, then walked out of the room. 'Why am I so jealous all of a sudden? It's not like she'd leave me for titan boy-right?' You sighed. She could if she really wanted to. You were suddenly thrown out of your thoughts when you heard your name being called. "Y/n! Wait up!." It was Hanji. Turning around you jump a bit on how close she was. "What?" You growled, not meaning to. Hanji put her hands up in defense. "Calm down, I just wanted to know, Why were you Jealous?" Hanji smirked as your face heated up. "I was not jealous! I was just a little confused on why you would rather spend more time with Eren then with me." You admitted. Hanji giggled. "Y/n, I'm only running tests. That's all." Hanji reassured. "O-Okay, but I still wasn't jealous." "Okay you weren't jealous." Hanji smiled.

You glared taggers at Marco. He an Sasha had hit it off pretty dang well, and you hated it. Well, you didn't hate Marco, you were just upset that he was spending time with your girlfriend and you weren't. And though you could've easily solved this problem, you didn't want to feel like a third wheel. Currently, it was Dinner and you were sitting beside Sasha as she sat across from Marco and Jean. Marco keeps saying jokes and made Sasha laugh, more then you had expected. Finally getting fed up with your feeling's, you excused yourself from the table. "Were are you going Y/n?" Sasha asked giving you a confused glance. "Just to the barracks, I'll be right back though." You smiled. Sasha nodded and went back to talking to Marco.
Walking out of the Dining Hall, you immediately Punched a hole in the wall. Yep that's how angry you were. "Calm down, I'm just overreacting again." You muttered taking deep breaths. After calming down, you walked back in, only to see Marco had moved to where you were sitting. After seeing that, you instantly turned around, and walked away.
---Mini Time Skip---
It was time for bed and you were already in bed, trying to erase today's events, when you felt someone crawl in to bed next to you. Already knowing it was Sasha, you just tried to pretend that you were sleeping, but she knew you were faking. "I know your awake. What happened at Dinner today? You just disappeared." Rolling over so you could face her, you glared at her. "Maybe you should go ask Marco. Seeing on how well you two get along." You hissed as Sasha let out a smile. "Y/n, Marco and I are just friends, nothing more. I swear." She said. "I know, it's just I got jealous, and let my emotions take over." You admitted. Sasha giggled. "Well I'm glad we sorted that out." She said. You nodded, "Yeah." You two just cuddled up to each other after that, and fell asleep.

You couldn't believe you were jealous. Nope. Refused to believe it. And the person you were jealous of just made you want to shake your head in shame. You had gotten jealous of Krista and Ymir. You were jealous of your best friend. Currently, the three of you were all in the Barracks just talking, though it was mostly Krista and Ymir doing the talking. You just answered a few questions but other then that you stayed completely silent. Krista and Ymir didn't seem to notice though and just continued talking. After about 20 minutes of those two talking, you wanted to see if they would notice if you left. Quietly, you stood up and made your way to the door, and surprisingly did leave without getting noticed. But it sort of saddened you that they didn't even notice you leaving. You were about to leave when Ymir opened the door and saw you. "Y/n! Were are you going?" She asked, you shrugged. "I don't know. But I thought it would've taken longer for you to realise I was gone." You crossed your arms. Ymir smiled and wrapped you in her arms. "Y/n, are you jealous?" She questioned. "Yes. I am very jealous." You replied. "Well, at least it shows that you care." You smiled and finally returned her hug.

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