They Use Pick Up Lines!

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You and Mikasa were sitting at Dinner, when another cadet had came and sat down next to you. You, didn't really mind, and kept on your conversation with Mikasa. the cadet seemed to want your attention, however, as the cadet kept shifting more over towards you. You noticed this, and gave Mikasa a look that showed you were uncomfortable while nodding to the cadet behind you. All Mikasa did was smile, and move over so she was directly beside you and there was no space in between before speaking. "Your lips seem dirty~ Want me to clean them?" She asked in a flirty tone. Your face flushed a bright red, and you avoided eye contact. On the bright side, the cadet heard her, and quickly backed off away from you.
You sighed and smiled, still blushing. "Thanks Mikasa." You smiled, giving her a hug. "Anytime, Princess." She replied, hugging you back.

Annie (I added a cringey pick up line :D)

You and Annie were in the girls dorms, just cuddling. It had been a long day, and all you two wanted to do was just relax and enjoy the other's company. You decided to have some fun, however, and decided to say random pick up lines to see what Annie's reactions were. You smirked when you came up with a classic, and decided to use it. "Are you an angel? Because you're too beautiful to live on earth." Annie smiled, and looked up at you, before speaking. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I never knew what was perfect, until I met you.~" She smiled, kissing your blushing cheek.


You had declared a war on Hanji for pick up lines. She was winning. Though, you weren't going down without a fight. "Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?" You smirked, walking over to Hanji, who just smirked back and began speaking. "You're on my list of things to do tonight.~" She flirted back, making your face flush a bright red. "I give! I give!" You laughed, Hanji kissing your cheek. "I knew I'd win." She bragged, smiling.


Sasha seemed a little nervous at Lunch today, so when you had asked her if something was wrong, all she responded with was; "Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?" You didn't know how to respond, as your face turned bright red, and almost everyone at your table bursting out into laughter. "Looks like Sasha has the courage to use a pick up line." Connie smirked, slinging an arm around your neck while chuckling.


It wasn't uncommon for Ymir to use pick up lines, so you weren't surprised she said one while the two of you were sparring. "You're not gonna win Ymir." You smirked, taking deep breaths from the small combat you just had. "Oh really? I think I am." She sent you a smirk back, and jumped towards you, taking your arms and twirling you. "Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" She flirted,  the smirk still on her face. You only giggled, and quickly kissed her, then the two of you quickly got back to training, as to not get yelled at by your superiors.


You and Petra were out on a little walk, wanting to escape the loud and crowded Dining Hall. The two of you both walked, hand in hand, just talking, until Petra got suddenly silent. "Petra, you okay?" You questioned, giving your girlfriend a concerned look. She only nodded her head, and opened her mouth to speak. "I'm Not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you.~" She smiled, trying to hold in a small giggle from embarrassment. You felt your face heat up, and smiled back at her. "awe! Petra that's so sweet!" You exclaimed, suddenly hugging the girl. Petra smiled, and hugged you back.


You and Krista were eating breakfast, talking with Ymir and some of the guys while you ate. As you were eating, the table fell silent, and Reiner, and Ymir seemed to try to be sending a sign to Krista. You, being utterly confused about the situation, stopped eating and looked up. "Is everything okay?" Ymir nodded. "Everything's fine, but Krista has to tell you something. "Oh? What is it?" You asked, looking at your blonde girlfriend. "Do you know what my uniform is made of?" She suddenly asked. You gave her a confused look, and before you could answer she started speaking again. "It's Girlfriend material." She finished, and as soon as she did, "OOOOOOOOO!" Was heard from Ymir and Reiner as they both started shouting. You just sat there, giggling at the two of them.

(Holy Crappp guys, It's been awhile. Sorry I haven't  been updating, school's been a little crazy with graduation coming up in a few weeks. Plus, the list that I had for this book with all the requests on it were deleted, so if you guys could comment them or new scenarios again, that'd be great. I remember a few of them, so here's a list of the future scenarios.

-You accidently get lost
-You get found
-Your Song (Modern)
- Nicknames

And that was it. I can't remember the rest, so please comment a scenario if you want one.~WolfWriter

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