When You Try to Scare Them!

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You and Eren had planned on scaring Mikasa into thinking you were cheating on her with Eren. Currently you and Eren were sitting outside, holding hands and talking about how this would totally fool Mikasa. "This will be awesome!" You smiled Eren nodded. "But if she kills me I'm telling her it's your idea." He joked. "Shush, here she comes" You whispered as you spotted Mikasa walking over to you and Eren. "Oh Eren your the best." You said in a sickening sweet voice. Mikasa stopped in her tracks as she saw you hug Eren. "No, your the best." He said back just a sweetly. Mikasa clutched the scarf that was around her neck and marched up to you. "Y/n! What's going on here!?" She shouted. Mikasa felt her eyes sting with tears. Seeing her like this just made you feel really guilty. "W-Wait Mikasa it's just a prank! We were trying to prank you!" You stood up and walked over to her. "Why?" Was all she asked. "We wanted to scare you into thinking I was dating Eren." You admitted, looking at her. "Okay. But I'm only forgiving you this one time." She mumbled. You smiled widely and pulled her into a giant hug.

You had planned to try and scare Annie by hiding under her bed in the barracks. Your plan was when she hung her feet over the edge, you'd grab her ankle hoping to scare her. The door to the girls barracks opened and you saw feet make it's way over to Annie's bed. Now knowing it was her, you smiled in anticipation. The moment Annie swung her feet over the edge of the bed you grabbed her ankle, hearing her scream in surprise. Laughing like a maniac you crawled out from under the bed to see your girlfriend taking deep breaths. "Did I scare ya?" You asked giggling. "Yes. You did. I almost had a heart attack." She breathed. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that badly." You smiled sheepishly and sat down on her bed next to her. "Just don't do that again." She warned. You smiled and put an arm over her shoulder. "Or what." Annie sighed. "not telling." She replied. You smirked and hugged her.

When you decided to scare Hanji, you had decided to scare her into thinking your father was making you guys break up. Smirking, you walked to her Office door, and began to fake cry. "H-H-Hanji!" You shouted, knocking on the door. It was quickly thrown open, showing a very worried Hanji. "Y-Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying?" She questioned, sounding very concerned. She let you into her Office and sat down with you, as you began to fake cry. "M-My dad says we can't go out anymore." You whimpered. Hanji gave you a shocked look. "B-But why? Was it something I did? Was it one of my experiments? Tell me and I'll try to make up for it!" She begged. "T-The only way to fix this is," You wiped away a fake tear, "Cuddles." You stated, trying not to burst out laughing. Hanji stared at you with a blank expression. "Cuddles? Y/n is this a prank?" She asked. You nervously laughed and rubbed the back of your neck. "Y-Yes?" You admitted, though it sounded more like a question. Hanji hugged you even tighter and replied with, "Dammit Y/n you scared me for a second. Don't ever do that again." You giggled and hugged her back. "Okay, I promise."

You hid from Sasha in the closet. You had been hiding there all day, only coming out for Bathroom, Food or Water. But other then that you stayed in the closet. The closet you were in was in the Girl's Barracks, so it shouldn't be long before you would be found out. Not long after, you heard someone walk into the Barracks and you tried to stay silent as possible. "I don't know Krista, what if she's cheating?" Your heart stopped. That was Sasha's voice. "Don't be ridiculous Sasha. I'm sure she wouldn't do that to you." Krista reassured. You tried fighting the urge to just walk out of the closet with out even scaring her, but you still stayed with the original plan. Smirking, you decided it would be a good time for you to scare them. "Boo!" You Screeched as you jumped out of the closet. Both girls yelled and you fell to the floor laughing. "Y-Y/n?! Why were you in the closet!?" Sasha shouted, as you continued to laugh and roll on the ground. "Because I wanted to scare you. And this was the only way I could think of." You laughed. "See Sasha...I told you she wasn't cheating on you." Krista breathed out, still trying to recover from the shock of the scare. "Don't you dare ever do that again, okay?" Sasha mumbled, crossing her arms. You giggled and kissed her cheek. "Alight Sasha."

Now, when it came to Ymir, you had difficulty planning the scare, but you decided that it was the best you got. Quietly, you stood from behind the door to the Girl's Barracks. It was just after Dinner so everyone should be heading back to their own barracks for bed. After a few more minutes, you finally hear footsteps and instantly thought it was Ymir, because she was usually the first or third person there. The door opened, and you jumped out and yelled "Boo!" Only to receive an un-amused look from Ymir. "Y/n, why weren't you at Dinner today?" She questioned. You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. "Well, I skipped it so I could scare you." You admitted. Ymir shook her head and wrapped her arms around you. "Well, You didn't scare me. But next time you skip Dinner I will be personally dragging you there myself understood?" She questioned in a scary tone. "Yes Ymir." You mumbled and gave her a hug.

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