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(Jesses POV)
Lukas and I are just sitting by a lake with Ruben chasing a butterfly when we hear a loud boom! I quickly get up and look over. I see PAMAs chipped forces coming near us. Lukas,Ruben, and I run back inside just to see our other friends being cornered by chipped people. But these people are all to familiar people. When we ran into the room they turned to us. The chipped forces are Stampy, Lizzie, and Stacy. "Hello Jesse would you join our party" they say. "Run now" I tell everybody. We all run and run until we can't anymore! We finally get ourselves together. "I think we lost them" Ivor says though gasps. "Yeah but were lost in the middle of nowhere" Olivia says. "At least we all have control over our own bodies" Lukas laughs. But I don't. I don't have control over my own body. I technically never have had control over it. My epilepsy had control over it. I sigh and get up and walk over to a lake. Reuben follows me. "Oh Rueben what am I gonna do" I say petting  his head as he lays down in my lap."How am I suppose to hide this"! I can't control this" what if one day they just find me in the middle of a seizure" I can't tell them they would just feel sorry for me" They would think I'm weak" I don't want them to think that"! "It's just embarrassing" thats the word I was looking for. "What's embarrassing" I hear a voice behind me and I jump! But it's only Lukas. "Oh my goodness Lukas you scared the crap out of me" I laugh. He sits down by me. "Hey Jesse I was gonna ask you why does Reuben spin and bow at random moments" Lukas says looking at me. "Uhhh it's just uhh i tough him to do that when he needs to use the bathroom or eat" I lie hoping it sounds believable. "Oh ok" he looks at me suspicious but then shrugs. As if on que   Reuben runs over to the group. I jump up and run over there. They had carrots out. Classic Reuben he loves carrots. We finally eat supper and go to bed. I lay awake for awhile thinking about how to hide my secret. How to act normal when I'm dying inside. I hate keeping secrets from my Friends. But I guess I have to for now. I dread this though but they probably find out eventually. I finally fall asleep but not for long. After what feels like falling asleep for 3 seconds I feel something tugging on my clothing. I open my eyes to see Reuben. He twirls around and bows. I know what this means. I've know what this means since I was 5. I sigh. "Shh Ruben follow me and be quite your will wake up everybody else" I run into the forest until my legs give out and I fall.
I am in a large patch of tall grass. I start having a seizure but not a normal one. It feels more forceful more powerful.This is not a normal seizure. Yes, this seizure was caused by my epilepsy but also by stress. I've only had one other seizure it that's was when I was a senior in high school. I was stressing over my  final exams. But my dad helped me then he took me out for ice cream and we went to the beach all day. This time i was stressed over my situation. I didn't want my friends to find out. The more I though about it the more my head hurt. I stopped thinking about that. I pushed it out of my head. Finally  my seizure stops. I use the little energy I have to lift up my arm and look at my watch. I look at my watch it's 3:30. Ive been here for almost 15 mins. But I don't have enough energy to get up and go back to camp. And eventually I fall asleep. Knowing Ruben will show my friends where I am. Because that's part of his job.

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