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First chapter, hope you like it! This is my first time sharing my writing. So,let me know what you think!
chapter song: "Billie Jean" EDEN

It was a small notion, minuscule. He smiled when she did. Nothing extensive, nothing to raise eyebrows or create an uproar of gossip surrounding the two. Small, as most things were, to him at least. No big deal.

But, commonly do we learn that the biggest things begin small. Take a hurricane for instance; hurricanes begin with two separate forces. Hot and cold wind, polar opposites, blending together. But, it all begins with a breeze. The breeze develops into something more along the way, something so calm and serene becomes a frenzied hurricane with winds that steal away homes and lives like the assassins we know them to be.

Familiar faces enter the diner constantly, and he doesn't bat a lash. Her face though, it was a sight to see, especially to him. So, when she entered the small establishment, his attention was centralized on her. She was a little thing, messy blonde hair tumbling down her face, eyes so blue they made him think of the bright sky he admired as a child during summer time. She was like summer in ways, but in others she resembled winter. Small freckles danced across the bridge of her nose and spilled onto her cheeks, like stars engraved into her skin, her own constellations. It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen.

From across the room, she never held eye contact. Their interactions were short and sweet. A smile, sometimes a nod, then keep walking. This made him scrunch his nose in curiosity. They both noticed that their stares would gradually wander to each other, even though they've never actually had a full-blown conversation. There was rarely words spoken between them, the most they have verbally communicated was in seventh grade when she quietly asked to borrow a pencil because her mechanical one had happened to run out of lead.

He'd bite his cheek in confusion. They were gravitated to each other but both were to stubborn to acknowledge it, so they ignore it. His concentration on the subject broke as she laughed. It was off beat and terrible, but it made him want smile so hard his cheeks hurt. He hid his grin behind a cup of coffee as he listened to the words she spoke so carefully to her friends, as if she'd choke on the words. She was forethought. He was reckless.

The next day, she sat in the corner of the classroom. English, a standard subject with nothing special about it. But for him, it was one of his favorites; not only because he could work on his novel, but because she just happened to be in that same class. She was loud sometimes, laughter and a joking tone would tear through the room and make her peers glance over, only to laugh and look away once again. He needed to work on the looking away. Like I said, he smiled when she smiled. They were both still young, so innocent in ways that weren't quite innocent. After all, nobody was really "innocent" in Riverdale.

Short, I know. But hey, they'll get better as the story goes on. Don't be a silent reader! Comment, vote, and follow! Hope you liked it.


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