Meeting Part 8

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Notes: (y/n)= Your Name

(f/p)= Favorite Pet

(f/p/n)= Favorite Pet Name

(y/l/n) = Your Last Name

(y/np/n)= Your Nephews Name

Warning: None.

Gifs are not mine.

Meeting the Avengers

Loki Laufeyson (Loki): Loki wasn't every fond of Earth where he couldn't rule over people but only insight fear in them, it was simply weak entertainment to him

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Loki Laufeyson (Loki): Loki wasn't every fond of Earth where he couldn't rule over people but only insight fear in them, it was simply weak entertainment to him. He didn't understand why the avengers wanted to meet him in a library but Thor said it was very important to them and stressed that they needed his help, and of course Loki would not skip an opportunity to rub that need in Thors face causing his to gladly accept. Loki stepped into the library walking to the back seeing several rooms but only one had his godly brother guarding the door, Loki made his way to the door until he bumped into you. The impact caused you and a bunch of the books you were holding to fall on the floor, Loki looked at you puzzled but regardless he offered you his hand to help you rise and began to help pick up your books. "You should be more careful." he whispered as if not wanting to be heard by anyone. You nodded "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.." You said removing the hair from your face. "I'm Loki, son of- never mind. Anyway watch where you're going because next time the person you bump into may not be so... kind." he spat the words as if they were poisonous burning his tongue. "Thank you for allowing us to use the room (y/n)" Thor said loudly causing others to look at him and you. You simply mouthed the words sorry while softly laughing. "(y/n)" Loki softly whispered under his breath a "True vision of perfection" he though as he watched you walk away.

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