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A loud alarm starts beeping, Laura slowly flutters her eyes open. She groans as she tries to lift her head up but feels something on her head. It's ross. His head is on Laura's and her head is on Ross's chest. Oh god, Laura thinks, she quickly gets up and falls off the bed.
"OOOFF!" Laura quietly shrieks as she falls off the bed. Ross jolts up from his sleep, feeling startled. "Laura? Wha? What hap-" he gets cut off by Laura's voice. "Ross, get dressed we have an interview, meet me in the lobby in a few." she gestures the door open for him to leave. "Uhh, Okay but-" he gets cut off again and Ross heavily breaths, feeling irritated. "Just go." Laura says sternly then smiles weakly.Ross rolls his eyes out if frustration and heads to his room, doing what he was told to do by Laura.

A few minutes later the two meet in the lobby. Laura, who is the one who is there first goes to grab a go-gurt from the fridge in the breakfast line. She sits down at a table for three. Laura quietly starts eating the yogurt. She hums "Hey Jude" by the Beatles.

"Hey." she hears a husky low voice say to her.
Laura looks up, to see a brown haired blue eyed boy. About her age.
"Um, hey?" Laura chuckles awkwardly.
"I heard you humming the Beatles, I was gonna, you know say 'hey Jude' but then it kinda, my plan, never mind..." the boy says nervously and awkwardly. He scratches his neck.
Laura smiles widely, she thought it was cute and adoring. Well she had to be nice.
"That's a good plan. Too bad you didn't use it." Laura smiles.
The boy chuckles. and gestures towards the chair. "Uh, may I?" he asks.
Laura laughs and nods her head. The boy sits down.
"So, how did you end up in this lovely place called Australia?" The boy asks awkwardly and smiles weakly. Laura smiles back, "I'm here with a friend for work." Laura says politely. The boy nods.
"That's cool, I'm here for a surfing competition." The stranger smiles big and proud.
"Really? My friend that's here with me surfs! I should come and watch!" Laura tells the boy excitedly. She then realizes, she met a stranger who's a boy.... Who surfs and now she wants to attend one of his surfing competitions? What if he has a girlfriend? She didn't think it through at all. Laura nervously smiles, "I mean, I've wanted to see a surfing competition.." The boy smiles at Laura, amuse written all over his face. He leans in closer to Laura's face. "I'd love it if you'd come to one." He whispers in a husky low voice. Laura feels chills going down her spine. His breath effecting her, making her want to squirm and shiver. She nods and grins. "Yeah, stranger." She empathizes on the word stranger. Asking for his name. He smiles and sits back up. "It's Max." Max smiles widely pulling out his hand for Laura to shake. Laura gladly shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you Max, I'm Laura." They both laugh. They counting to talk in peace until an unbalanced force acts upon them, meaning Ross. "Laura!" Ross power walks to Laura and Max. As he comes closer he sees max and scowls. "Uh, who's that?" Ross says rudely. Laura frowns at Ross. "This here is Max. We'll be attending one of his surfing competition this week." Laura smiles at Max, who smiles back. Ross, feeling not one bit amused, frowns at the two. "Yeah, that's great. Um Laura, I don't know if you remember but I think we have a what's the word? Oh yeah, interview?" Ross forces a smile. "Crap! I totally forgot! Uh Max I have to go, catch you later?" Laura gets up throwing away her trash. Max stops her. "Can I get your number though?" He towers over her, looking lanky and muscular. Laura feels lovestruck. "Yeah...yeah.. It's uh 281-299-1654." She smiles up to his angel eyes.
Max smiles back down. "Alright, thanks. Ill call you later. Bye!" He waves to Laura. She waves back. "Byee...." She says dreamily. Ross rolls his eyes. Not pleased to see Laura lovestruck over some hunk she just met.
"Let's go Laura." Ross says angrily while pacing to the exit.
"Yeah...okay." Laura responds not looking at Ross but following his body, still in that lovestruck faze.

AN:// Comment and vote! You guys rock my socks! Haah keep reading! Sorry they are short, it's just because of writers block in the beginning! -Joedyn

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