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AN:/ hey guys, so I didn't get any bad comments on the switching of the POVS so, I'll be doing it again in this chapter. If it's hard to understand just tell me! I'll be happy to change it if it makes you guys happy!:) thanks and enjoy!- Joedynn


I look up and let out a huge breath that I've been keeping in. Thank god, it's not Jake. I was getting my leg ready to kick him where the sun don't shine.
"Oh hey......" I say trailing off, I know this guy but I don't remember his name, is that bad? The guy wryly laughs and sits down next to me in the open chair.
"We've met, remember? Justin? I didn't knew you'd be in the same hotel as me." He says giving me a wide grin. It then clicked, the guy from the airplane. I nod my head and give a smile.
"Right, Justin! From the plane. Nice to see you again." (Haha to see you again, the fanfiction haha sorry I love that story.)
"Nice to see you too." Justin says back to Laura. Nice to see you too. Psh, what a loser. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair. We were talking about something serious and this guy just has to show up. I cross my arms not interested in their little convo. "Right Ross?" I hear Laura say, what? "Huh?" I respond in a monotone. Justin shakes his head, "You surf bro?" He asks and I give him a forced smile, "Yeah, a really good one too." I say confidently, Justin scoffs. "Yeah? I bet you won't be after a competition with me." Justin says back just as confident as me. I lean in with my arms on the table, "Should we see?" I say tempting him. He leans in closer, "We shall." Justin says.
Did I hear that right? Ross and Justin are going to do a surf competition? Really? Men.
Ross and Justin stand up leaving me the only one sitting down, I get up as well and feel super short next to them. "Loser goes away and doesn't come near Laura again." Ross says to Justin and crosses his arms, wait? I heard my name. Really? Jealous Ross on the patrol. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Fine, winner gets to take out Laura for dinner." Justin says smirking at me and I feel heat come up to my cheeks. God dang stupid blush. Ross notices and clenches his jaw. "Deal." I gasp, "I will not be a prize! I'm a human-being!" I say with my hands on my hips scoffing at the two boys.

They both laugh at me, "Well, today you'll be a prize." Ross says winking and I can't help but smile at him. "Well, I get to choose if I want this winner to take me out." I say and nod. They both nod and we are out the door. Heading to the beach.
"Do you have a surfboard and suit?" I ask Ross in a whisper in the car. Ross chuckles, "I'll get those at the shop." He responds. I nod and we drive in silence. Justin was driving so Ross and I were in the back while Justin's gear was in the front seat. The car comes to a stop. Justin turns around with a wide grin as cars pass us on the side of the road. "Ready to have hella fun?" He says excitedly I laugh at his silly ness then nod. Ross frowns at Justin and we get out of the car. I feel sweat dripping down my forehead. Soon I'm sweating everywhere. I needed a swimsuit, "Ross? Can we go to the shop now?" I say sweetly and softly. Ross nods, "Yeah, c'mon." We cross the street and make our way to a cute surf shop. On the other side of the road I could see Justin taking out his surf equipment. "Hey, let's meet back here at the register in a few ok?" I tell Ross. "Alright." We part ways as he goes to get his surf stuff and I make my way to the swimsuit section. When I arrive at the women's swimsuit section I see a women at a counter.
"How may I help you?" She asks coming around the counter to face me. I smile at her, "I need a cute bikini, lots of sunscreen, flip-flops and aviators please!" I say nicely. The women grins as she gestures me to follow her. I do what she asks and we arrive at a bikini section. Australia has the best bikinis ever. I gape at them, they're gorgeous. I see one I like that's blue, neon pink, orange and baby blue with triangle patterns. I pick it up, "This one." I state happily. "Is there bottoms?" I ask the women. She nods and kneels down. I see pink bottoms that you tie on each side and fall in love. I grab them, "Alright, bikini = check!" I say to her. She gets me the 'Unbelievable, it totally works, best in Australia' sun screen and nice aviators. All I need is shoes so my feet don't burn up. "Do you have any shoes?" She nods as we walk to the sandal section. "These are popular in the US apparently?" She shows me two straps on a sandal and it's brown. They're called 'Jesus Shoes' (Hahh, idk if you guys know what they are but I have like six pairs! Jesus shoes are bae!) and I thought they were cute. I nod and agree with her. "Thank you." I tell her as she checked me out at her counter, such a nice women. I walk back to where I said Ross and I should meet and see Ross pacing back and forth, "Ross? Uh ar-" I get cut off by the blonde.
"Laura! Jesus! I thought you were kidnapped! How long does it take to find whatever you were looking for?" He says breathing fast and a huge worried expression slapped on his face. My eyes soften at him. Gee, I didn't mean to make him worried. "Im sorry Ross. Calm down." I say putting an arm on his arm. He looks at me and nods, we exit the store. "I'm gonna go change in the restroom, you should too." I say to Ross as I'm entering the bathroom. I hear him yell a 'Ight!'
I enter a stall and lock it, sweat still dripping on my body making my clothes stick to me like a second layer of skin. Really gross if you ask me..

I strap off my shoes and slide my jeans off along with my underwear. I put on my pink bottoms and tie each side of them very tight. After, I bring my shirt and pull it above my head until it comes off. I take off my bra and put on my bikini top, adoring it. I tie the neck part tightly then tie the back part tightly. I stuff my previous clothes in the plastic bag that had my bikini in it. I also throw my wedges in there and take out my new Jesus sandals, sliding those on my feet. I leave the stall and face the mirror, squirting on sunscreen on my stomach, arms and legs. I then squirt again and make a white coat all over my face, not leaving any skin behind. I make sure that everything is blended in and put on my aviators. I have a short panic attack realizing my flip-phone wasn't on me but then was okay remembering I left it in my jeans pocket. I take my hair out of the braid and put it in a high lose ponytail.
I leave the bathroom with only my bikini on with Jesus shoes carrying a plastic bag as I reach the sun I want to stay in it forever. It felt so good having the sun on my skin then nice cool breezes coming at me here and there. I see Ross in his full body suit and his surf board. He gapes at me like I did something extraordinary.
"Ross?" I say waving my hand in his face. It gets him out of his daze and he smile at me, "Yeah?" I start to walk to the side walk, "Come on Shor." He chuckles then follows me. We arrive at the beach where Justin is. I see him gaze up and down my body making me feel a bit uncomfortable and making me blush..
"It's about time, beautiful." Justin says to Laura literally eye raping her whole body. Like really? I feel like I need to win. I don't want this creep taking Laura out. I clear my throat, "Let's head to the water, okay Justin?" I say irritated and he nods we make our way to the ocean. Our feet meet the water and soon we start to paddle. I looked at the beach and saw Laura standing there waving at me and paparazzi taking photos. I then saw our 'Judges' with a clipboard. I wave back to Laura and continue to paddle. We both wait on our boards, searching for movement in the water. I wave starts to build up and before I know it Justin and I are paddling towards it. I take one more stroke and I beat him to the wave. I do an upper-cut and surd on the wave gracefully. Surfing was definitely something I liked. I smirked, knowing I beat Justin to this wave, I hear him groan and scoff. I jump off the wave making my knees be below me. I was aiming to look like Sharpay in High School Musical. I hoped it made Laura laugh from the shore of the beach. I soon was met with water. I got on my board and started to paddle again, next to Justin. "I'll get the next one, yours was lucky." Justin says to as he paddles farther out. I smirk, he's making excuses... How cute.
"Yeah okay pal." I say and paddle along side with him. Soon a massive wave comes and Justin and I are paddle as hard as we can to get to it. As I'm about to stand up Justin pushes me off my board. He takes the wave as I fall into the water, my head hitting something hard. I try to reach surface but I can't. I'm soon met with darkness consuming me.

AN:/ sorry guys it had to be short! I have other things to do but write, I wish I could write all day... That'd be heaven to me! Hope you liked the update and COMMENT, VOTE AND READ! Mention my story to others! (Also comment if the POVS were hard to read) thanks guys and love ya!-Joedynnnn!

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